Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

Sorry here it is :)

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So you've made your lovely model and you need to scale it to size.
Make sure its sitting at ground zero, select scale then select the number button. Another dialog box will open and you can change the 'Y' to zero and apply.
This will move the scaling centre and your model can be scaled without having to keep moving back to ground zero.

Thanks, that is an excellent tip! I've struggled with that problem many times and didn't know there was a fix. Any idea what the "initialize" button does? I think it might be the same literal, but bad translation I used on the first Keynote morph slider meaning "restore defaults".

Ah yes sorry John, I wrote 'apply' and should have put 'initilize'

Added a few modeling reference and texture resource sites.

Do any of the resident Metasequoia geniuses know if there's an easy way to separate vertices? Sometimes I want to change the 'group' a triangle is bonded to ‎  and the only way I know to move the triangle to a new object, move the vertex a little and remerge it.

Well done with the reference sites. Not quite clear on your triangle thing. Move to a new obj and then re-merge? thats what I do with splitting for UVs, I should say 'did' before these new tools. That said I'm still not fully happy with the edge loop select nor the up and coming one in meta 3.

I didn't explain that very well; that's what I get for staying up past my bedtime. I'm looking for something that works like the "Separate" button does for UVs, but that separates polygon vertices instead of UVs. Sounds like something there might be a plugin/hidden control for.

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The only thing i can think of right now is to keep half of your object then mirror it or simply move faces to new object, then with the rect / rope tool select the verts that you wont be wanting to mess about with (down the middle between two meshes or by selecting individual verts) go to scale and scale them in on whichever axis runs along the front of the selected verts and click on that axis, then press 0 and scale them all in. That'l leave whichever face you want to mess with moveable.

The only tip i could add here for this method is to not scale multiple verts if they arent in a straight line, example if one offset above and one below you'l distort the mesh and the UV layout if you scale them. My reccomendation is to get whichever mesh you want to seperate set straight on an x y or z axis so that the mesh wont become distorted by this method.

If you leave the faces un 'welded' you might get a nasty unjoined line in game or in a render.

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theres no direct (or plug in as far as I know) way to do that. but I think its 'what do you want to acheive' is more the question

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