Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

It is very efficent. Its probably the fastest way to create a properly unwrapped model. Because i've recieved good and encouraging feedback on this ill do the next stage on monday or tuesday. That'l involve using lighting to create shadows in the texture and the ambient occlusion to create noise for a texture, i wont cover the normal mapping - mainly because i feel it wouldnt really benefit anyone here.

I'll also cover using layers to create effects and what effects do what.

Actually the way blender bakes a texture is probably similiar to an alpha map, however because the colours are solid and not transparent makes me wonder. The fact that you can use the magic wand to select a differential colour area against the background colour speeds up texturing time.

Great, I shall look forward to the AO bake. It'll have to be good to beat my wifes chocolate sponge!!!

My missus has yet to bake me one. I usually make the mince pies! Dazed
Shes good at trifles though.

I've seen quite a few requests for hand tutorials recently if anyone fancies a go. I use sub-d so a bit high poly for games and MMD but a low poly version would go down well.

Not a bad idea, ill try to fit this into my next tut.

Ben, that BRS recorder has a 58 day limit. Only does 5 min vids after that. My hand tut is going to be in about 14 parts now!

I have a couple decent video editing/splicing programs. I'd be happy to splice segments together if it would help. Rainbow

Thanks for the offer John. I'm still undecided on doing it cause I'm not sure who it may benefit. Theres a bit of box, edge extrusion and point to point so it gets a bit hard to follow. Also included shear, bend and lattice tools. Its a bit of a marathon.

How do people watch these vids? Play, pause and copy?

Would you prefer me do it instead? In blender its very easy. Blender has extrude individual faces and selective subdivision, so making a simple hand can be very easy. It might take me 10 mins max.

Oh yes carry on Ben. Mine would be fairly high poly and a sort of organic approach- not suitable for most I suspect.
2.2k poly count

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