Need some help...

Hi, I will try to answer your questions below :)

Is there anything I have to do directly after obtaining all 4 elemental weapons?

The elemental weapons are more or less to tell a story more than anything else. ‎  If you havent obtained them, then Jonas will not teach you the top elemental magics

When using the dragon shrine keys I'm sure the symbols have to be lined up in a certain pattern but I haven't found any place that shows the order.

This is a nod at KF1 in the is the same pattern as that game, and if you visit Leon Shore's home in the eastern village, a painting on the wall will reveal the pattern you need.

Where do I get the key for the red/gold chests? Like the one on the pirate ship.

It is hidden away somewhere in the verdite castle, it is the royal key.

How do I unseal the white chests?

The white sealed chests are the chests sealed by the priest - Olfe. ‎  he served Seath and sealed away Seath's armor when he was driven from open them you need to obtain one of seath's precious items....

How do I get through the passageway that?s blocked by brittle boulders? (right by the dwarf who asks you to get his pickaxe) I?m guessing it?s an item as I?ve tried every single weapon and magic spell.

For this you will need to obtain the pick axe then learn the mining skill from the dwarf near that area with the blocked in cave. ‎  Once you learn the technique you can use the item to break down the wall.

How do I remove the crystal stuck in the wall in the miner?s guild mine wall? I?m guessing a pickaxe but I don?t have one.

You need the pickaxe and mining technique. ‎  The pickaxe is found above where the dwarf is on the waterfall cliffs area, you will need to find a secret door near the exit of this map near where you reach Thedeck's area.

How/where do I use the 12 crown thing?

You use it right where you found it, on the seal that sits in front of the statue of guyra, this will teleport you to verdite castle...there is a similar seal on the other side of the teleport to get you back to melanat.

How do I unseal all the doors in the coliseum hallway?

You dont, these are merely in the game to mirror the architecture of the hallway in the original KF1 where these doors were. ‎  Its a nod to the lore in that game as later Necron will place his guardians behind these doors.

How do I get the blue crystal that?s sitting on the pile of rocks on the mine cart track in the undersea castle? I can?t interact with it at all.

Where in the heck are all the pedestal crystals at? I see the pedestals everywhere but I?ve only found 1 crystal and that was for the undersea castle.

Most of the pedastals youre finding are designed for the star ‎  key and star gate. ‎  Place the key in a pedastal then you can use the star gate to teleport there.

How do I unseal the door (it?s pretty close to gigi?s house, in the dark, purple cavern)

This is also a Seath's door (similar to the chests), once you have his sword you can enter.

What is the dark magic (wada? ritual sheet for) It?s still in my inventory after I finished the quest so I?m guessing it?s used for something. ‎ 

This is a mistake on my part, it should have been removed upon quest completion

What can I do with Mel Morris (the tree monster) that wants to see Gigi?

Not much, but if you speak to him , you will find his house unlocked...this is simply a nod at the lore of KF2.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Messages In This Thread
Need some help... - by Flea - 2010-10-03, 06:29 PM
Re: Need some help... - by dmpdesign - 2010-10-04, 03:23 AM
Re: Need some help... - by HolyDiver - 2010-10-04, 04:17 AM
Re: Need some help... - by Flea - 2010-10-04, 04:54 AM
Re: Need some help... - by HolyDiver - 2010-10-04, 06:10 AM
Re: Need some help... - by Flea - 2010-10-05, 06:08 AM
Re: Need some help... - by dmpdesign - 2010-10-05, 05:53 PM
Re: Need some help... - by HolyDiver - 2010-10-05, 09:50 PM

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