New SoM Demo SeaGuard

Unfortunately the ati catalyst driver version of rivatuner didnt play nice with my laptop mobile card.

You may have luck if your windows 7 machine is running with an nvidia card.

Sorry I couldnt test/help :(
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

well I got Vm ware ‎  and Xp installer disk to run the ‎  map editor to run som map editor perfectly for editing but emulating an older video card is a pain in the ass. To use test mode I have to switch my saved maps to my vista machene them to test or preview as the emulated card does not use driect draw at all. I've had far less luck with microsoft virtual machene. At least Vmware allowes me to use my native resolution for the wide screen map editor. Since I cannot test my maps on the vm, Joy to key is kinda useless. Vm ware also recognises usb devices, Ms vm does not have any usb support at all and it does not look as if it ever will.

You should be able to remove the step of copying files.

If you map your vista machine's hard drive as the drive where sword of moonlight is installed on the VM session you should write to the vista machine's drive when you save and output your changes, so in other words you would only need to minimize the vm session and launch som on the vista machine to test with without having to copy files around.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

You can do a similar setup on VirtualPC through the network.
On your real PC make your SoM project folder shared. It should then show up on your VirtPC in your network. Load/edit with the SoM installed on VirtPC so you don't have problems with the map editor, but test play your game by launching som_db directly from your real PC. You just need to make a special shortcut to som_db.exe with a few extra parameters:

"[som_db.exe location]" "[Project directory]" "[SoM Installation directory]" "[Map Number]"

For example to launch map 00 I would enter the folling in the shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\Games\Sword of Moonlight1\tool\som_db.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\H\Desktop\Demo1" "C:\Program Files\Games\Sword of Moonlight1" "00"

You can make a different shortcut for each map.

Funny you should post this...I had it on my list this morning to ask you if there was a way to quicklaunch the maps without going through the map editor.


This method john arranged above is preferred because you may have the map editor open on your windows 7 machine and the VM xp machine and could have conflicts saving data if you accidentally output data from the windows 7 map when you had updated it in the VM (the reason I stopped using VM was because I did exactly that).

With John's method, it is safer because you are only committing changes from teh map editor in the VM machine and not opening the editor in the windows 7 one.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

This game is exceptional. I could feel alot of potential, eventhough i just wandered about for 20mins. You can certainly do alot with this game... The music is fantastic, especially the seaguard music. Did you make this music? And if so with what programme?

Good day everyone, and thanks for letting me in on this chat string!

Well, let me introduce myself, I'm Xtremez, been a fan of all the KF games since PS1 came out with "KF2". So onto the next subject, I've been working on a new game called, "Curse of the Pharoahs". Has a number of different levels, Abu Simbel, Deir El Bahri, Kom Ombo and a few others, like a Labrynth w/ a Minotaur boss, etc. Being an Architect and Archealogist Im somewhat anal about the detailing and design of the maps, helps accuracy and intent anyway.

Well have most of the levels complete and need to start seeding the maps w/NPC's and Enemy's wanted to know if anyone would be interested in running thru what I have and giving me some pointers?

Write back and let me know! Thanks!


The problem with microsoft vm is it wont allow me to use my full resolution. the max res for mvm i can get is 12 x 10, Thats why I decided to use vmware. I will be trying the network drive idea today. Thanks

Yah I write almost all my own music. I use fruityloops pro xxl 9. It takes some work but Im really picky about my music. P.s. Im glad you liked it Smokin

Man, love the first level..........nice fog. Drops off in the background nicely.............great music as well.

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