PRF Editor v1.6

Good chart Ben. I think "Hit Radius" would have be a more clear phrasing - sorry about that. I think I got "attack angle" from my butchered Japanglish translation of a "view angle" diagram in the SoM manual. If I ever do an update of the PRF editor, I'll try to remember to change that to something more clear.

Speaking of which, I think the "Field of Vision > Angle" setting for enemies in the PRF editor works the exact same way- a "pie wedge" extending out evenly to the left and right of the enemy's front. :)

Thats fine ‎  Smile the .prf editor is a great accomplishment.

Interesting info about the enemies, too.

Updated the PRF Editor with added support for Object PRF files.

Heh, now you can make ice-ball firing traps!

Updated the PRF Editor again to v1.6. This time it was just to fix a bug in the Item section that prevented the weapon 'range' and 'elevation override' from saving properly.

Thanks to Verdite for pointing out the problem!

Here are early images of new tools I'm working on adding to SOM that owe a lot to this effort. It's a very major undertaking, but it would be doubly so if I didn't have this tool/materials to use as a reference.

You might recognize these as ItemEdit.exe, ObjEdit.exe, and EneEdit.exe (respectively) that are "DLC" (still) available on From Software's website/store.

They will be finished before April or May's end... one or the other... and are slated to supplant SOM_PRM's model viewers. (The title bars are going to show the profile's name, translated by the installed language/theme packages. The new elements are left blank in these screenshots.)

[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=665;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=667;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=671;image]

Here are final images (near so, if not so) for ItemEdit.exe and ObjEdit.exe. BTW: I put ItemEdit's up a few days ago, but have replaced them (with new links) because the image of the sword was much smaller than it should have been in the older images...

It looks like everything was smaller... I'm not sure what changed since then, but these match SOM_PRM... except for the fountain, which I pulled back from to fit it into the frame. It is about half its size compared to the sword and sarcophagus.

EDITED: The sarcophagus looks so much better with light. SOM_PRM doesn't have any light. This is going to be a big improvement.

[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=844;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=843;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=846;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=845;image]

Some new images of the EneEdit and NpcEdit layouts, and in the third, I've made great progress upgrading the tools to Direct3D 9 and using the same extension the player uses to achieve a near perfect antialiasing-style effect. Even though the tools are not constantly refreshing their screen. I'm very impressed (the do_aa extension I believe is unique in the world, having limited aliasing artifacts even for the cutouts and transparent elements... it isn't image based, e.g. FXAA, MLAA, but it doesn't have the limits of MSAA, e.g. no helping transparency or cutouts, and it doesn't cost the CPU/GPU anything, and so is ideal for integrated graphics chips.)

The stipple effect is disabled in the editors so that they appear sharp. Especially in the thumbnail sketches, next to the sharp UI elements. Since these are going to be the new model viewers inside of SOM_PRM it just leaves SOM_MAP in need of a graphical overhaul... which may be the earliest beginnings of a "Dark Slayer" project I've wanted to do for quite some time.

[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=862;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=880;image]
[Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=281.0;attach=878;image]

The first release with this work is now available. It was an ongoing task to complete. The following link has the latest news, with an official announcement coming soon, along with a Japanese language/theme pack update that is required to use the new profiles tools.

Attached is the image I think I'm going with for the announcement. It's incredibly tame, but I like that it's not busy and it looks quite nice.

Below (hot linked) is a similarly conventional image that I went with for a teaser (including VR developments) a while back. I'm not going to post anymore to this topic I think. There is however an Sfx.dat editing system included, and some things (including NPCs) that the programs that are the subject of this topic do not touch on. Some may even be critical, but tests still need to be done.

[Image: SOM-Profiles-Workshop.png]

Full disclosure: I guess I should warn that some things in the ItemEdit attachment are for new exploratory features. Part of the reason I began thinking about working on profile support was in order to make some new kinds of profiles that a new feature or two will require to be of use.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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