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- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Im Otogi from the agetech site Wink

How much of this game is online play dependent? I can't do real-time gaming online most of the time (depending on where I'm at) unfortunately. I do ok with MMORPGs, but generally struggle (doesn't help that I'm usually playing on Japanese servers)

I was going to import it more or less... until I got the impression it was mostly an online fest Twisted

^Plus I gotta admit, PSN and totally covered my KF fix (or more like a starving that has built up for years -- so yeah, DS seems pretty low on my KF related priorities for now)

The online part isnt necessary at all, though it does help if you get stuck on a boss to call in some friends to kick its ass.

I could probably beat the game now with no online help pretty easily because I went through the game twice, once on hard mode.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I don't have a PS3, but its on my list of things to have someday. ‎  I don't have any TV based consoles because, well... ‎  I don't even have a TV where I live. ‎ 

I just don't watch it.
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Tom lives with the Bushmen of Zimbabwe!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Ganador_13 is my screen name on ps3 network.
im new to this forum as of 10 seconds ago.
but certainly not new to kingsfield.

as for demon's souls i've become an expert before the american game came out, and yet still baught the american copy and began again and just cannot get tired of the online factor :)
"Men are here to replace us. ‎  There is no way to stop this change. ‎  One day they will each be just as powerful as the genius who created them."


I'm Rathmor. Surprised? ‎  Biggrin

‎  PS3 name: Grothraw add me for demons souls/Armoured core co-op ‎  Cool

Will do, nice to meet you and nice avatar. ‎  Rainbow

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