Rathmor progress to first game

Wish I could say I had any real calculations.

Getting the enemies to work properly throughout a decently long game was by far the hardest thing I did in DD.

I had a bit of help though, I based the KF lore item stats on their proper stats from the original games, so they each carried with them their original slash/chop/ etc strengths...I of course had to incorporate balancing the levels and so on...its definitely a tough thing to manage.

John had worked out the conversion of attack vs damage but quite honestly, the math/grid is so convoluted (not John's fault, its SOM) that I wasn't able to really use it.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

There's just too many in-game variables to give a one size fits all damage template. But basically, it all boils down to how many hits will kill the player or an enemy, which means you have to factor in how many hits per-second the player is likely to receive. I reworked the damage calculator in hopes to make it easier to apply to SoM use.

I would leave all enemy defense stats at '0' which will make the damage an enemy receives roughly match the attack stats on the player's weapons. Just use HP to vary the enemy's longevity.

If you want to give an enemy a weakness to a damage type (even though it seems backwards) raise its corresponding defense a couple points above 0.

If you want to make an enemy strong against a damage type raise its corresponding defense stat by around 10-20 points.

There's no right answer for weapon/armor stats. I would just set their stats first (before deciding enemy stats) using a scale that seems logical. Then adjust enemy stats to get balance where you want it.

How's the demo coming along?

Its ready! About to post the link!

I know this has been neglected, so i just gave it a massive update.

15 enemies now? ‎  very nice!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Updated after over a year.

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