Return to Melanat [Full Game]


Return to Melanat

Introduction: Return to Melanat is an attempt to recreate the environments of King's Field 2 in a whole new light, and while delivering an entirely new story. Like all King's Field games, its gameplay centers around exploration, methodical combat, and light puzzle solving. All seven areas of Melanat are recreated to scale using nothing but the SOM toolset and very few custom resources. Please offer any constructive feedback, and have fun!

Note: This game is meant to be played in a standard 4:3 resolution. Widescreen mode is still playable, but will cause tile cut-off in open environments like the West Shore.

Download Links (235mb):
Full Game (Version 1.2)

Alternate Link

Version History
Version 1.0
- Game released.

Version 1.1
- Added directional lighting effects, which help to smooth out and blend textures.
- Rebalanced magic to make it a much more viable option in combat.
- The Moonlight Sword no longer increases holy magic, but regenerates more MP.
- A few instances where enemies could shoot projectiles through walls have been fixed.
- Healing spells now cost slightly more MP to cast.
- Fixed numerous grammatical errors.

Version 1.2
- Added a new area called the Lost City, which can be found behind a secret door on the West Shore.
- Reworked and added several small details to all maps.
- Added 11 (double the original amount) new NPCs and reworked all NPC dialogues.
- Added a fully voiced intro cutscene (voiced by Verdite).
- Added an extra final area and boss, and redid the ending cutscene.
- Added several new signs and wall writings.
- The dragon fountains now have to be 'activated' before they can be used.
- Removed the Aged Feather, but Dragon Fruits can now respawn on death.
- Reduced the amount of HP that Earth Herbs heal.
- Improved the sound quality of background music.
- Darkened the lighting a little.
- Added sword magic.
- The cliffs on the West Shore and East Shore are now much taller and more realistic looking.
- Lighthouses now actually look like lighthouses.
- Dark Slayer, nuff said.

Gameplay Length
Long (6-8 hours)

This game takes place about twenty years after the events of King's Field 3. Light has been granted to the world and peace reigned for a while, however, a mysterious darkness has emerged on the Island of Melanat. Fearing the worst, the king led a detachment of knights to the island in an attempt to contain the spreading darkness, but they have not been heard from since. You play as a young prince who journeys to Melanat in search of his missing father, the king. From there, it is up to the player to explore the island and reveal its hidden secrets.

[Image: 1_zps428d4717.png]
[Image: 2_zpsd2d6672f.png]
[Image: 3_zps49faf4d7.png]

- From Software, for developing the engine and its resources, also for making King's Field.
- HwitVlf, for translating the SOM software and providing custom assets.
- Jacob Lake, who composed most of the soundtrack.

Beta Testers:
- Dmpdesign
- Verdite
- Jacob Lake
- George Ross
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


If I may be the first to say it, this game is extremely impressive for many reasons...

1 - The time table with which you created in, I realize the maps were based on the original KF2, but even still to put them together so quickly, with such accuracy that I literally walked through the game end to end with no problem really speaks to the skill you have at recreating the original scale and feeling of the first game.

2 - The big mine map....just wow. ‎  When I had created my game I never dreamed of being able to make such an intricate connection of those sections of the game all in one map. ‎  You literally dug out the mines, the earth cave, the termite nest, the dark cave, the minecart tracks, all that, and its perfectly circular, you end up exactly where you should with no seams. ‎  Impressive. ‎  I absolutely loved how you included the dragon fountain doors that get you between the north village, central barracks and king harvines castle. ‎  Just absolutely amazing. ‎  If I had had these maps when I made DD, the game would have been so much better.

3 - You really have probably 80-90% of the original game maps included, that is something I never thought possible considering the massive depth of KF2. ‎  Bravo!

4 - I like the plot twist ;) Not going to spoil it though!

Will you ever make a physical copy release of your 2 games (or more if you are planning on making them?)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

You're amazing! The speed and quality with which you make these maps is really impressive.
I'm downloading it now. ‎  beerchug

Wow, that was fast! Eek I'm certainly going to downloading and playing this later.

This game is bringing back memories. I'm REALLY enjoying it. I got greedy a couple times and died, just like the old KF days ‎  Badteeth. Creatures seem well balanced and writing /design is great.

One recommendation; you might set the GAME.INI file to "device=2" which should make the game default to the TL enabled video device. Otherwise, nvidia card users might have graphical glitches on start up. I would at least mention it in the notes.

Also, you might want to add a "Tab - Show equipment/spell details" note to the Controls.txt. It's easy to miss that feature and it adds a lot to the game.

Really good job!

Thanks for all the feedback. I'm already working on the next version of Return to Melanat, which will likely be released next week.
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Return to Melanat has finally been updated to version 1.1, which overall makes the game look and play much better!
A full list of changes can be found below.

Version 1.1
-Added directional lighting effects, which help to smooth out and blend textures.
-Rebalanced magic to make it a much more viable option in combat.
-The Moonlight Sword no longer increases holy magic, but regenerates more MP.
-A few instances where enemies could shoot projectiles through walls have been fixed.
-Healing spells now cost slightly more MP to cast.
-Fixed numerous grammatical errors.

Attached Files
.bmp   Title.bmp (Size: 576.05 KB / Downloads: 3,343)
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Version 1.2 is on the Way

I'm currently hard at work on another update for Return to Melanat. First off, I'm reworking the characters and dialogue, plus adding an intro and longer ending cinematic. Not only will there be far more story to the game, but it will be customizable to an extent. Also, I'll be adding a completely new area called the 'Cliff Village' that connects to the West Shore, and is based on the Cliff Mountains area in Dark Destiny. So, you can all expect some interesting surprises in the next update. Wink
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Those sound like some really good improvements. I'm looking forward to a second playthrough when it's ready.

You sir, are awesome!

Its like DLC without having to pay!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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