SOM Tutorial

I have a question. Not that I haven't been paying attention, but just for a straight answer. Does each tile store everything it needs in itself? Or do they store the models and textures separately, then each tile just refs an external model (collision model too?) and a texture?

each map piece consists of these parts:

icon - the map piece icon you on the editor
map icon - the icon it generates when you use the in game map feature
model file - .msm file which contains the frame of the map piece and references the associated .txr or texture file
the collission data - .mhm file which tells it where the boundaries of the map piece are.

for a quick look at it, install the tools and run the prtsedit.exe program, youll see all the stuff (except texture file) that goes into a map piece.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

^Yes, but which if any of those parts are shared by other tiles if applicable?

I suppose it could be documented?

Removing map parts from the list in the map editor would only entail removing (or moving to another folder) the part info itself, so the model, collision, icon etc doesnt need to be deleted. Its not real important to know which files are shared...but I suppose for the sake of completely cataloging the program, we could get a project going to document what files each part uses.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

^Yeah I can do anything like that.

I think an ultimate solution to this sort of thing though is to sit down and work out a system, so that the game author decides their catalogue of pieces in advance, then "shops" so to speak for the ones they want from a master catalogue... then compile that into their final personalized set -- per project. Of course tools to add pieces to already compiled sets would be required (and if the author didn't leave holes in their own catalogue then they would either have to append sets to the end, disjoint, or we could surely eventually come up with a tool to go over your project and convert the whole thing to a new piece layout)

I'm dedicated to back supporting SoM as much as possible, regardless of how perfunctory it's legacy is. If nothing else it is a fine rapid prototyping tool... especially if you want your finished game to feel as much like SoM as possible. Some aspects of SoM just feel unfinished, so maybe part of a remake project could just be to make a more finished form of SoM for the From' cults. To be honest, the exe that runs SoM is so simple, I could probably program it from scratch in a week. The tool itself is a little more sophisticated (what's going to take me so long to pull out a remake actually, is the fact that I'm doing it all in my own programming paradigm, which is radically open ended and ambitious -- SoM remake merely being the simplest of demonstrations)

I was checking out your DD screens, and I think I realize what you meant about putting the sloping pieces behind the walls to make a larger slope...

[Image: ThedecksKeep.jpg]

I just wasn't thinking in terms of steps I guess Twisted

That looks better than nothing I suppose.

PS: You could probably fashion a patch object to close the gap over the cave^

A patch is already in the works ;)

Those are ancient screens!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

^I could use that patch when it's ready Twisted

PS: I used that stepping technique to add a lot of atmosphere to the beginning of DoM. So far just in my area's mostly. But I'll add it all around the beginning map, and the later castle courtyard map (I pushed back the draw distance just slightly so you can see beyond the tops of the hill walls -- so all the stuff up there is just barely in view usually)

Hi, I am new to the platform but I would like to learn more about SOM.
My computer specs currently are:

Windows 7 Home Premium
3.4 GHz
12 GB
Direct X 11


I have a laptop with similar specs, you should be able to run the program just fine. I'd recommend playing a few SOM games, then making a short sample game to familiarize yourself with the program. There's also a sample game included with the download that you can look to for reference. If you have any questions, PM me on here/facebook or add me on Skype (I'd respond quicker), as I can help with both the basic and advanced stuff. There are also tons of tutorials on this site that you can find with a simple search.
Welcome to the forum and good luck! beerchug
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


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