Sword of Moonlight 2.0

Yeah, it is being developed, very slowly though unfortuently.

My main plan is to release a toolset which can easily be used with other engines if you create the required functions to load the files etc, so this engine will NEVER be outdated. Once the tools are done you could make your own DirectX11 engine, and hook the tools into it.

Of course, it will come with an engine as planned for people just wanting a simple development enviroment, which will use OpenGL within C++ on release.

You can count on some form of release coming before summer this year; even if it's only simple.

Though I need to work on that custom object system, which is going to set the work back as all the tools need modifiying. It'll eventually make it MUCH easier to port into C++.

Well having that 'roadmap' framework in mind will allow you to plan how you'l develop the tools or if you need to redo the tools, it should be once to save you time Smile though I am sure you have a solid plan already.

Looking forward to the summer release! Having a deadline or date to work at can really boost your workflow.

The solidity of this plan is uncertain, since I'm always getting tempted to add new features in before I've finished other features... Ah, why! : P

Hopefully you're right about deadlines, I could really do with a boost in productivity.

Well I set my games' deadline during last winter, and since I have been able to stay on track, and even work harder. I told myself that if I cant finish my game by then, I should abandon my project... Thats something I really dont want to do, but its been keeping me motivated. Bowl

Yeah, making loadable modules is a great way to go for flexibility - if you want to add something, add it! ‎  If you want to tweak how something works to suit your needs better - tweak away! ‎ 

If you wanted to add fall damage capability (I love when they hide things off high cliffs that you can't access until you have higher-level HP), could this be achieved with a module, or would that have to be coded into the main machine? ‎ 

Like said, with the script system this'll all be do-able. It'll probably use something like Unity, where you'll be able to attach a script to multiple objects etc.

Awesome, this is gonna be really cool!

Just tried out the part system demo. Pretty damn nice ‎  Cool

I should of done more with that demo really, it's just a way of sampling ease of use, and seeing how part files will work. There was going to be shaders etc, but I didn't have the time.

I cant believe I didnt add specular and bump mapping to my suggestions ‎  Smile its noticable how much depth specular adds, and its only a simple texture overlay. A must in my opinion.

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