Sword of Moonlight 2.0

I'll be taking a very short break from SoM 2.0, like a month or so while I catch up with college work, improve my programming abilities and work on something VERY special for King's Field fans.

I like that idea Verdite, again something I want to add. Since shaders will be done, you can count on there being normal mapping, specular and bump mapping being with SoM 2.0.

Feels good to be working on this again...

I finished making the custom rendering engine this'll all run on enough to share a screen. It doesn't look like much, but that's just because my creativity is lacking... After about 4 months working on this I don't feel like making an entire game at the moment... : P

This is just lighting with some basic real-time shadowing. You'll probably want to bake light/shadow maps for a real game though, since smooth shadowing is complicated and very processor intensive, and thus won't be shipped, only stencil shadows.

I've also spent some time making this engine better for external scripting, meaning that we're one step closer to a release. ^_^

All that's really stopping a small release now is the lack of a working and functional map editor, since this layer system idea I had is causing some trouble at the moment... But it's so important for multi-tile leveling, since I'm sticking with the 2D rendered map editor (with 3D no-clip-fly-mode - previewing).

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Looks cool...as far as multi level map editors, Kilroyfx had created his own such system for an xbox 360 game he made a couple years back, it may be worth bugging him about it (can reach him easily enough on facebook https://www.facebook.com/kilroy.fx )

Im sure he would be glad to show you what he designed and be a helpful resource as he loves SOM etc.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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