Version 2

*Brushes off the cobwebs*

I know I haven't updated anything on my board for a while, I simply haven't had time to do anything outside of my graphic design project which seems to suck up a ton of my spare time, which has included learning a new 3D program from ground level to expert, and a new pro level external program. Anyway I shouldn't go into that too much.

When possible I have been able to work on fixing up Moratheia and adding extra content.

Version 2 should be released on the 28th or 29th.

Finalised changes to the game include...

- 4 new levels, bumping the level count up to 40
- completely simplified the intro and story to be less convoluted and easier to follow
- adjusted monster difficulty, now the game is more accessible to non-KF/SOM gamers
- adjusted save point difficulty
- a lot of new curatives
- removed multiple swing types, now you only get 1 type of attack per weapon
- added skeletons, archers, trolls, and a dragon like enemy
- new Eldyte crystals allow you to form equipment or abilities
- signposts
- updated 2d maps
- new BGM, more upbeat tracks for Calethan town and meera
- texture rehaul on most maps, making the game look way better. I've deviated from the SoM art style deliberately
- more lore, covering characters and past races of Pelmora
- more weapons
- lighting overhaul, more use of lamps
- draw distance has been increased a lot in levels
- blacksmith quests

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

The screenshots look nice and some really good improvements listed (in my moronic opinion ‎  Badteeth ) as well. Really looking forward to it. Thank you for all this work!

Any sign of a full release? The game looks neat!

Hi Crowe apologies for the late replt I have been super busy over the new year. Anyway I cannot give an exact estimate on the release, but expect another week at least. I have plans to fix up some of the NPCs with better, reworked models.

Some minor news to report...

New lanterns with baked in accurate shadows (looks great trust me)
Massive environment texture changes, for the best
Calethan now has a castle and a new entry, it was too close to water level before
Meera has new environment additions
Secret walls now implemented, some really nice hidden sections early on
Fixed alot of text to fit the new background story
Added roughly 8 new weapons
Lighting has been standardised across most maps

Very nice, I will be so happy to play this when its finished :D
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Some bad news folks I was informed today that the dispatch on my new PC will be next week. So unless I can borrow a PC I can't work on version 2.

(2015-01-07, 12:18 PM)Verdite link Wrote: Some bad news folks I was informed today that the dispatch on my new PC will be next week. So unless I can borrow a PC I can't work on version 2.
take your time, i being the newb that i am am waiting with bated breath for the release.

I have been working alot improving the artwork, and its really improving the game. I want to finish some more NPC improvements then I intend to tinker a bit with gameplay. Thanks for being patient :)

awesome news man not to be oushy but do we have a ETA for release? im chomping at the bit to get a shot at this game, already killed ds1 and 2 and all KFs cant wait for this.

Hello DariyanSkie

The final version will be released before April this year :)

I am aiming for March. Thank you for waiting for and anticipating the release. It will be worth the wait, trust me :)

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