Version 2

Been lurking for a while now. Looking forward to playing this.

Ninja Same I've been lurking here for a while too, now and again refreshing the page. Super excited to play this now that it is complete. A pre-emptive well done and thank you Verdite beerchug ‎  gonna play this all tonight and then play some more ‎  Biggrin Coffee ‎  1782

Very welcome folks I hope you enjoy it. The game is 99% bug free, and any patches will be save compatible, so enjoy the game without any worries.

2 months overdue, but the features added were worth it.

Download link is up, by the way!

Nice! ‎  I'll have something to do in the evening when I'm bored now. ‎  Congrats for the release at long last!
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

Awesome! Good thing I'm not busy for the next few days. I should have plenty of time to enjoy this. ‎  beerchug

Suffered my first death today. ‎  Got my rear end handed to me by a halberd wielding skeleton in Meera Crypt. ‎  I suppose that's what I get for going in without any armor just to check out the place, heh. ‎  Might have to spend some of my funds and grab a couple pieces of armor from the shop in Calethan if I want to survive there.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

I wouldn't tackle them without an axe or mace, dagger is a bit short to attack them safely.

Finally began recording videos for this game. ‎  I'll try to have them up tomorrow if I don't get sidetracked by something else.

That being said, going to need to figure out what I can sell so I can get enough Iron Ore to make a Mace for my journey into Meera Crypt. ‎  Got 265 gold so hopefully I won't need to give up too much for it. ‎  Almost tempted to sell the Token of Travel or whatever it's called to cover it. ‎  Almost, heh.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

Try breaking barrels that aren't inside houses, and sell your clams to Gaurlof for a good price. You can also be very daring and sell your noble cloak! That said, the axe is effective too and you get that for free, so you could buy either the chain boots or the Calethan helm with your saved funds, both are great starting choices.

new to the sow forums, cant find a dl link to Moratheia

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