Website Update Feedback (UPDATED 2024)

This is great news.
I'd be glad to help with add-ons.
I'll contribute models and stuff.

Testing testing....1 2 3... testing... ‎  ... is this thing on? Everything with the new forum looks great I've seen so far looks great and works fine so far! Thanks for all your work Todd Birdo

By the way, how about changing the forum title from "My Community" to something more fitting? xD

I like the new website and forum. I've been without internet for a year and a half ‎  Madani I'll be moving to a new place with broadband soon. YaY

Ive put this off too long, going to work on updating the main page in November, the forum shouldn't see any downtime, but the main site is going to get a rework.

I also finally took the time to figure out how to add custom menu options on the forum menu, so i added the somwiki section in hopes that people who may have forgotten it may go there and poke around a bit and add some info :)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I think adding a link to the wiki and also a "what's this site about" statement would be good.

Site looks good man ! I got a lil suprise when I logged on earlier. It's good to see the add-on section up n running :) I can throw a few things in there too sooner or later.
‎  Yeah, it may have been overdue but I sure understand it takes time to do these things when you've got to work and all that real life jazz. Thanks Todd ‎  Biggrin
‎  Oh, btw. I'm about half way through dark destiny and havin a lot of fun with it. I got sidetracked though and need to get back in there n finish the game. Much appreciated man. Thanks for the game ! ‎  Biggrin

The new site design looks great! Good work! :D

Looks great. Good Work Biggrin

Wild Ninja Brian appeared Ninja

Hi all, feel free to provide feedback or report any bugs with the new website/forum here.

If reporting a bug on the forum, please make sure to mention what THEME you are using. Your theme is Holy Forest, by default.

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