alternative download links?

i just finished trying to download Return to Melanat via the dropbox link here at only for it to fail after a while couldn't be resumed to finish downloading it.

would anyone here happen to have a resumable download link i could use?

I just tried it and it downloaded for me in 2 minutes, so it seems to be working fine. Here's two alternative downloads that you can try anyway, see if they work:
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


thank you! and sorry for the delayed response, didn't bother to check back till now.

other games to play, internet to browse, irl, etc.. the usual reasons and whatnot. ‎  Smile

main reason i requested an alternate source though is 2 reasons:

1. crappy internet connection. wireless via router here and while we have limitless bandwidth, the download speed typically peaks around 180 kb/s. so usually, anything past 200-250mb+ tends to timeout after a while and if the link isn't resumable i can't download it normally.

and 2. the download manager i was using (JDownloader) simply refuses to update it's plugins for me so the dropbox plugin is out of date and it simply won't work on that site anymore.

so;dr crappy internet that isn't quite as crappy as dial-up (ugh, dial-up is dreadful). anywho, i'll try these links later tonight. mediafire tends to work just fine for me.

might also ask for that dark destiny game too later on...might be a good idea to split that one into 2 or more pieces via zip file if using an alternative link though. in case said link(s) happen to go and expire for whatever reason.

Try using Firefox, it has a built in download manager that will allow you to pause and resume any download.
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


well, beat Return to Melenat just now and overall it was pretty good. not particularly great but it wasn't bad either. pretty good recreation of some sections of the KF2 (i think it better to consider the first english game 2nd since well, it was the 2nd game chronologically).

not too long as i beat it within a couple hours. saw several monsters i hadn't seen in a KF game before (such as the suits of armor with fire coming out of the neck and that freaky tentacle beast in what i assume was the coliseum.). final boss however didn't really impress... oh and nice surprise, this one had a couple of actual intro and ending cutscenes. not just some messages or something so that was nice.

such a shame the whole first-person RPG thing isn't more common. and i don't mean like elder scrolls which is great and all but...i like the atmosphere you get with KF games. maybe if it's ever finished, i could give Morethia a go as well.

That was fast, nice work. Did you find the secret area? (check for a hidden door on the northern, upper section of the west shore)

I'm finishing up a new SOM game right now that's similar in concept, it's still based in the KF universe but has original maps this time. Check back in completed games in a week or two if you want something new to play. Movingeyes
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


wow, i missed an entire region. nice clue (only the feet know the secret ;)). as for beating it quickly...i may have given myself a bit of extra MP >.> to skip some grinding...snipe enemies from a distance... well, now to explore this new area (normally mind you).

oh and i happened to be using a gamepad previously (the controls were a bit easier as far as movement goes) but i think i could adjust to how this works with the numpad.

as for your new game, will do. it's nice to know there are others who enjoy this type of game. :)

hmmm...i wonder if i could manage anything with that SoM program. i've tried my hand at map making before though that game had one of those isometric camera angles (it was an mmorpg called Daimonin) but aside from screwing around in RPGMaker for PSX (still got the disc for it lol) i've never tried making a full game before. might something to try and tinker with some time.

edit: nope. just as i expected, the dropbox download for King's Field Dark Destiny failed and would not resume as it's too big to download via browser on my slow connection. it worked fine for a while but it eventually failed with no option to resume, only retry which means restarting the download entirely. :/ as i said before, that's why i have to use a download manager other than firefox's built in one. firefox can't keep a download active long enough for such large files like other download managers such as jdownloader..

edit2: ok, good news. seems i managed to finally get jdownloaders plugins to update so now i CAN download from dropbox again.

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