Lake Noel
Relax and take it easy.
General Discussion
General public discussion board for off-topic stuff.
2,435 Replies 226 Topics Website Update Feedback (...
2024-09-05, 08:48 PM
by Verdite Cat
Game Chat
Want to chat about a good game, or post some screenshots of your latest conquest?
Sub Forums: Brigandine: Grand Edition
1,421 Replies 63 Topics Gamespot article talking ...
2024-05-07, 07:39 PM
by Guyra
The Artistic Inn
Have a drawing or story to share? Express your King's Field imagination and stop by the Inn.
55 Replies 5 Topics D&D King's Field
2017-12-01, 09:41 AM
by Guyra
Community Updates
3 Replies 1 Topics Keep SwordofMoonlight dot...
2018-11-03, 06:37 PM
by dmpdesign

Sword of Moonlight
The Sword of Moonlight: King's Field Making Tool and all relevant discussion goes here.
SOM Guides, FAQ and Help
Meeting place for experts and novices alike to discuss tips for using Sword of Moonlight.
2,226 Replies 160 Topics In game menu translation
2024-09-08, 01:22 PM
by Azynt
Here is a place to post tools that help in the creation of SoM games.
134 Replies 6 Topics PRF Editor v1.6
2018-07-16, 10:16 PM
by Holy_Diver
SOM Addons
Post or grab downloadable addon content to share with the community.
682 Replies 47 Topics Addons
2015-03-10, 11:22 AM
by Verdite
SOM Games General
General questions, game updates, and chatter.
566 Replies 34 Topics Kings Field 1 - Pickup Gl...
2020-09-26, 03:58 AM
by Holy_Diver
Complete Games
Completed Sword of Moonlight games, or those inspired by King's Field.
Sub Forums: Moratheia, JC Bailey's Games, The Field of Kings, Dark Destiny, Trismegistus, Diadem of Maunstraut
2,344 Replies 146 Topics Deep Rune [Full Game]
2021-10-23, 05:23 PM
by JC Bailey
Games in Progress (Demo)
Games with a playable sample demo go here.
Sub Forums: Dark Destiny: The Forsaken King
51 Replies 4 Topics King's Field II, accurate...
2019-05-18, 08:34 AM
by Holy_Diver
Games (Dormant Projects)
Retired developers and games not currently in progress.
Sub Forums: King's Field V, SQS Ultra, Curse of the Pharaoh, Mytrosia & Fallen By The Way, Shadow Tower SoM, Wicklow, SeaGuard
666 Replies 25 Topics King's Field V - Screensh...
2018-07-22, 04:17 AM
by Haze1079

King's Field Related Games
From Software's dark RPG series and spin-offs!
King's Field Series
Best RPG ever! Come here if you have something to say or tribute to pay!
734 Replies 73 Topics kings-field.neocities.org...
2024-09-04, 12:30 AM
by Verdite Cat
Souls Series
Discuss From Software's successors to King's Field.
210 Replies 28 Topics Anyone still playing?
2019-01-22, 10:04 PM
by plim

General Theory Discussions
Have a general tip for successfully making a game? Something you like/dislike about games in general? Wondering if your new brilliant game-play convention is a good idea? Post it here, game theorists!
203 Replies 13 Topics NPC animation strategy
2015-01-24, 09:21 AM
by HwitVlf
Team Members Wanted/Available
For those seeking people to join your game-making team, or looking for a team to join.
6 Replies 3 Topics Interested in joining Kin...
2017-03-07, 06:27 AM
by JC Bailey
Resources Wanted/Available
If you want a donation of something like a 3D model resource or assets for your game, or if you have a resource that other people can use, post here.
65 Replies 7 Topics Door Edits Request
2014-02-21, 02:18 AM
by JC Bailey

Board Statistics
12608 Replies 911 Topics 531 Members Latest User: azzcheeks99 Most Online was 499