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Maps |
Posted by: mach88 - 2014-01-30, 01:54 AM - Forum: Dark Destiny
- Replies (7)
Hi. Would it be possible for someone to post the maps ? Also where is the spot your supposed to use the aquarion boots ? I found the spot with the writing on the wall and I have the boots equiped but no ice bridge appears.
How to disable Direct3D acceleration on Win 7 |
Posted by: Auric - 2014-01-28, 08:52 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help
- Replies (1)
After several hours of searching around I've finally discovered a way to disable direct3D acceleration on windows 7. If anyone is having issues with preview windows and the like when using SoM then I recommend trying this to solve the problem as this worked for me.
1. Download and install the DirectX SDK (can be found here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download...px?id=6812)
2. Open the Microsoft DirectX SDK folder then the DirectX Utilities folder. Select the DirectX Control Panel and open it.
3. Select the DirectDraw tab and uncheck the Use Hardware Acceleration box then hit apply. You should now be able to use SoM without problems (hopefully). Make sure to enable this if you go to test a map or if you are finished using SoM.
I hope this helps if anyone is having issues with running SoM on win 7 like I did.
Dark Souls II trailer |
Posted by: Auric - 2014-01-23, 10:14 AM - Forum: Souls Series
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It's getting closer to release and we've just gotten our first official trailer:
Now I'm typically against pre orders and day 1 purchases but if Dark Souls II is even half the game that the first was then the money would definitely be well spent. I'd quite like to have that soundtrack disk. My only issue is not knowing what platform to buy it on. Personally I'd prefer PC however my laptop broke recently and I'm uncertain if the computer I'm using right now would meet the minimum requirements. On the other hand I would likely be able to play online. Or I could just buy it for the Xbox 360. I'd know it would work without problem but I'm unwilling to pay for the Xbox live gold membership so online play would likely never happen. I'm not sure. It's a tough choice.
Unable to close or save map editor |
Posted by: Auric - 2014-01-20, 10:49 PM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help
- Replies (1)
I'm installing SoM on a new computer. I swear I've had this issue before however I don't remember how I had fixed it. All of the buttons on the bottom of the window are covered up by my start bar. This means I'm unable to close the map editor normally and more importantly: save anything.
Final development news |
Posted by: Verdite - 2014-01-20, 04:05 AM - Forum: Moratheia
- Replies (41)
Welcome to the final development post thread!!!!!
I have spent alot of time recently getting down to the nitty gritty with my project, and now its time to confirm your hopes! The next news to await will be... Rathmors final summer release
There hasnt been any Rathmor news for a while, but trust me this post will more than make it up to the die hard KF and SOM fans. There is even a video of my latest achievements with SOM.
So without further ado...
1.0 Attack functionality
Attack versatility video
SOM had a restrictive attack functionality before, so after alot of thought and planning, I devised a simple yet effective way of allowing players to change attacks whenever they like. If you are like me when you play KF or SOM you tend to like a certain weapon's design, or its ability. Well now you dont need to go spending a ton of game currency on a stabbing weapon when you have a sword - just change its attack type to stabbing.
This also means that you can cater to your own play style and customise it. If you prefer to go for high adrenaline, quick attacks with a medium sword or dagger, you can fight this way - having their stabbing ability as a last resort. Or maximise your damage output with a slow, hard attacking great sword, or if thats not enough, a heavy great axe. Maybe you prefer to attack from a distance with a spear? Or do you prefer to have a spear that cuts and jabs? Rathmor caters for all situations.
Not having a long ranged weapon attack can leave you in difficult situations, for example being assaulted by a spear. Thats where you can choose versatility in combat.
Each type of attack has its own damage output, so if your dagger cant slash that tough monster hide, change to stab for better effect.
Ive also improved the sound effects
2.0 Magic
I can confirm magic will be in Rathmor.
3.0 Levelling focus
Something bold and new for this genre of gaming - the level focus. I have juggled with alot of levelling up ideas, and this one seemed the best. I wanted to create as much character customisation as I could, so this is ideal. There are three basic levelling choices - Fighter, Balanced, and Defender. Each yields different bonuses to stats upon levelling up, with hidden classes granting even greater abilities.
The best thing is that you can change class at any time in the training area. Want to develop alot of points into strength, to use that greatsword? Go fighter. Prefer to have a few extra hitpoints for when you get surrounded? Choose defender. If you prefer to keep things even, incase something unknown comes your way, then balanced is essential.
4.0 Improved A.I
One of my biggest discoveries in SOM recently is being able to control how a monster reacts to the player, along with changing their behaviour when idle. Sick of seeing enemies walking into walls? I was, so I came up with some breakthrough ideas that stops this from happening. Enemies now have alot more character too - cowardly enemies will often get scared and leave their guard open. But aggressive enemies will end up charging towards you more, meaning you will need to change that attack type on your weapon to counter them.
5.0 Environments
Map sets
This is something I have really REALLY worked hard at and put tons of time and effort into. There were times I was going for up to 10-12 hours a day to finish some sets off. Since my last post, I have created 200 individual and unique map parts. This includes flawless collision data.
All sets have the capability to merge into one another, meaning when I release sets to the public you can mix and match.
I have also created three new tree parts, and new grass. All are memory friendly - meaning your game wont grind to a slow pace when exploring.
Revised HUD
You'l see the new HUD in the screenshots.
Please ignore the doors, as they will be changed. They are just dummies.
These screenshots have no graphical tweaks whatsoever, and no graphic extensions are in use.
Tavern interior
Your first bed...
Taverns "arse end"
Tavern roof and distant house
More of Scalmane
Scalmane villa
Villa again
Villa interior
(These below images are more development screenshots and are not a true reflection of Rathmor's final graphics output.)
Outdoor mine entry
Bura by campfire
While objects havent had as much attention there are still loads of newly created objects since the last news thread, including windows and doors, furniture etc.
The arena
You will get the chance to go head to head with some pro and some not so pro fighters in the arena. This will probably be one of the biggest challenges in the game to beat, and your opponents will use skill and cunning to catch you off guard. There is no killing in the arena - if you get beaten, you lose consciousness, same for if you beat your opponent - they will be knocked out.
Your own home
You will be able to buy a house in the main town or simply pay for accomodation at a tavern. The house comes with a letterbox for NPCs to pop important notes in. You will be able to customise some parts of your house such as the decorations.
Free roaming
While I know that having a guided path is important in a game, you will have the chance to revisit most visited areas and explore some new areas at your own pace. There will also be some nice free roaming when you have finished the game...
6.0 Currency
The amount of currency you can find in the 'field' as such is limited, but the amount of items you can amass varies - this includes valuables that sell for a good sum. Enemies will not drop gold like in SOM and KF - some enemies will drop valuables, and rare enemies will drop gold as a lump sum rather than the auto gold feature.
7.0 Sounds
There will be alot of ambient sounds in Rathmor - that includes wind, water drops, metal anvils, swords clashing etc.
Night and day
Yup, there will be night and day in Rathmor! You'l be able to do different things at night / get attacked more at night.
8.0 Revised story
The story is now revised and more engaging, while being more minimal on dialogue. It has taken a while to find the right balance!
What you wont be able to do in Rathmor...
- Have bows or crossbows. SOM limitation.
- Jump. Yup - my environment ideas and map sets wernt built with jumping in mind.
- Have a full, scientific 'human immersion experience' well in my opinion playing games isnt about simulating real life. There are similarities to make it more enjoyable, but it doesnt have to be so serious. I want players to have fun.
- Breaky break your sword on teh wallzors (durability). This is one of the magical benefits of SOM. Nice sharp weapons and polished armours!
- Get married. Do it mentally if you must!!
- Climb trees.
- Remake my game and change it to how you want it to be, then re release it without my consent. Just get rid of that idea right now if you have it.
Those are the more obvious ones at least.
Thanks alot for reading and supporting me, if you did.
Site move request |
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2014-01-13, 01:19 PM - Forum: Diadem of Maunstraut
- Replies (2)
Hey Tom,
Just relinked to your DoM page from the main page and noticed your pages on K-F.com are littered with ads now and were not before. If Martin's host has changed and you would like to migrate DoM to the SOM.com backend just let me know. I intend to keep this domain ad free etc.
Why you need health potions in ST:Abyss |
Posted by: Verdite - 2013-12-28, 08:52 PM - Forum: King's Field Series
- Replies (3)
Because there is no dash ability :sick[1]: You cant rush sideways, backwards or forwards. It seems that the monsters have perfect timing to hit you when you try to walk backwards. Especially those nasty canyon birds. You can occasionally dodge slower attacks, though. Am I missing something? Do I need a certain amount of points into a certain stat to dash?