Trilogy's Rosetta Stone?

Foreword: I don't mean this to be read like a "conspiracy theory".

I think I've actually stumbled/worked on/out the likely inspiration behind much of King's Field's unique/weird idiosyncrasies?

Here ( is my most recent go at laying out the evidence, but I've been slowly picking up the pieces for a few weeks. Some of the elements I've had suspicions about for many years.

Earlier I wrote some of this up on Reddit:

What I mean to suggest is that whoever was behind the deep structure of the King's Field world/story was working primarily from this material all along. These topics may seem esoteric but I actually think they are relatively mainstream as these things go. They draw from Carl Jung's adventures probing his own unconscious and dreams and well-trodden elements of Kabbalah (the mainstream Jewish mystical tradition) that feature in a lot of other Japanese anime and video games from the same period. I think new-age books on these topics would have littered Japanese bookstores for much of the post-war period. They would have seemed very exotic and hard to resist I think... like illustrated books on extraterrestrials or anything like that.

EDITED: I don't want to suggest that I disapprove of this. I'm making a case for its likelihood. I actually think it's quite beautiful/apropos. What sent me down this rabbit hole was YouTube recommend I listen to David Bowie's Station to Station (usually thought his de facto masterpiece) that is a tour of the sefirot that I explain more of in these links.

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