*cracks knuckles* Ready?

Holy cow! Did you seriously make ~400 new map Pieces Ben?

Tom, I emailed you some info about the 1.2 translation patch. Don't forget to use Pumpkin Paster! It takes a little getting used to, but it makes map building so much easier.

The main reason I didn't make a v1.1 to v1.2 patch is because 1.1 didn't include the KF-remake translation. Since the remake is an optional part of the SoM install, it would have complicated things if some 1.1 users didn't have it installed.

Do you have a name picked out for your new game?

Yeah! ‎  He made a lot! ‎  All the ones I saved are UBER cool. ‎  Unfortunately, some of the ones I saved, SoM doesn't like.... ‎  I get freezes when trying to use some of the mountain pieces. ‎  Ironically, the 10x10 mountain works fine, so does the tip, and a few other long pointy rocks which I treat like a over-cliff stalagmites... ‎  but I can made due with variety. ‎  I've been using even some of the Tem rock sets as viewable mountain/rock pieces.... ‎  which gives my map a little more punch.

Todd, we talked about this last night on MSN, you're absolutely right. ‎  What I have is actually 1.2, but for some reason, the original SoM splash still says 1.1. ‎  Cause I remember the "not =" and a few other things being new that 1.1 didn't have. ‎  (I think Not = in 1.1 was like this fat | symbol.)

I haven't a name picked out for my new game John, but I broke free from some map building to work on some parameters. ‎  What I'm wanting to do is going to be a HUGE pain in the ass, but it will definitely be a fun concept. ‎  Wanna hear about it?
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Quote:I haven't a name picked out for my new game John, but I broke free from some map building to work on some parameters. ‎ What I'm wanting to do is going to be a HUGE pain in the ass, but it will definitely be a fun concept. ‎ Wanna hear about it?
I would like to hear as long as you avoid any huge spoilers :)

Quote:Todd, we talked about this last night on MSN, you're absolutely right. ‎ What I have is actually 1.2, but for some reason, the original SoM splash still says 1.1. ‎ Cause I remember the "not =" and a few other things being new that 1.1 didn't have. ‎ (I think Not = in 1.1 was like this fat | symbol.)
I've passed out a lot of intermediate versions to the helpful people here for feedback, but the true v1.2 has changes which are not in any of the separate files I handed out. If yours says v1.1, something is wrong.

What Tom has is SOM version 1.02 and translation patch version 1.1, that is where the confusion is coming from.

I was going to cook him up a batch file to take his 1.1 version to 1.2 I just havent gotten to it yet.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I'm not sure what constitutes as a "huge spoiler". ‎ Story? ‎ Events?

This definitely isn't a story based game.... ‎ its actually going to be a bit on the "hunter/gatherer" approach to King's Field. ‎ Currency will be silver, not gold as I'm planning on using some bigger numbers.

I'm going to do things based on a "quest" system. ‎ Meaning, that you'll have to buy contracts and complete "missions". ‎ Missions can be anything from collect X amount of X ore, kill X amount of X monster, or defeat X monster boss, etc. ‎ I'd like to base any "leveling up" on missions completed, but I haven't quite looked into how to do that yet. ‎ (I might just base them on strength or magic power, sort of like Trismegistus)

So far, I've come up with a pretty good contract system using multiple shops. ‎ Using a counter, it activates an NPC to give you the contracts as items in a shop. ‎ After you have the item in your possession, it activates a counter so you can abandon your quest. ‎ (though quests not completed, will not get a refund - well 1 silver, as the shop won't recognize 0)

I'll make a manual and in-game notice that buying multiple quests wouldn't be recommended, as you'd have to complete ALL the quests in order to be successful. ‎ (and you'd have to abandon all the uncompleted quests in order to chose from the quest list again.)

After a quest is completed, I plan on having a "status screen" reporting rewards and items collected. ‎ (rather than picking up items and coins, it will be all through event as well as a "mission complete" screen and a free warp back to town. ‎ I plan on converting the X contract item into X contract (Cleared) item, which can be sold back to the NPC for the "contract reward". ‎ (and all of this is going to take a shit ton of events and parameters, but I'd like to get to 100 or more quests.)

Now, the cool part. ‎ 

There will be weapon shops, armor shops (though I'll probably do complete armor sets rather than individual pieces through event transactions) alchemy shops, and magic shops. ‎ The (s) on shop(s) I might use loosely, as there might be one that contains everything available in the town.

Town and "mission field" will be two prominent different places, as the mission field will only be accessible when you've signed up for a mission.

I'm planning on having shops as more than just currency. ‎ For example, to buy a bone weapon, you'll need X amount of X bones, X amount of X ore as well as X amount of silver to buy it. ‎ The thing is, I'd have to set up events for after the shop screen if they don't have the materials.... ‎ Something that will refund their money, and a statement explaining they don't have enough materials. ‎ Magic and alchemy shops will be the same way. ‎ (alchemy shops will be like healing, mana, strength up, mana up potions - with ingredient specifications and price)

Just like there are going to be multiple shops, there will be multiple parameters. ‎ For instance, there will be the S.Bone (15 bone,10 earth ore) and then another for the actual weapon in personal inventory, S.Bone, which will be swapped by event. ‎ I'm going to have to get clever with the character limit in parameters.

I guess how this goes hand in hand with the quests, is that you'd need say 15 bones for the weapon, but might get 10 from the quest.... ‎ I'm going to try to encourage multiple quests to get items needed for item production.

The items you can gather on the field will be very limited. ‎ ....no armors or weapons would be available to "find", everything like that will have to be "made". Replenish items will be to find, but I plan on having them to be on the field for each mission. ‎ (which means I'll probably have them on examine object events and bypass the item screen.)

A few other things worth mentioning. ‎ I plan on only having one map, but it will be packed to the brim. ‎ Normal monsters will all regenerate. ‎ "Quest" monsters will be event based, so there's no sense looking to fight the blood skeleton when you're on the ore gathering quest. ‎ "Quest" monsters are going to be quite a bit stronger than the regular beasts. ‎ 

Well, those are my ramblings of a mad man... ‎ I realize that I'm going to have to change some things from what I said, but at least that's the general idea of what I'm trying to do. ‎ Whatcha' think? ‎ ( ^ - ^)

[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

These ideas sound freaking sweet!

I hate to ask, but since youve been amazingly quick in the past, what do you think the time frame will be on a game like this?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

They arent mad, rather interesting actually.

So essentially its gonna be monster hunter meets kings field? I had originally planned on making something similiar. However when you look at the depth of monster hunter's gathering system, its not based so much around 3d (the armour, weapons etc are) but the pieces are all 2d (as in coloured generic parts) in the menu / crafting interface, and theres thousands of items to gather. But in terms of a KF style game, it would work, if you could craft certain items, actually..

**************SPOLER FOR FUTURE RATHMOR GAMES***********

I intend to add that to my game, but the crafting element will revolve around looking in a book and "choosing" an item (say event goes... examine book... read contents? (message optional) y/n.. "item description 1" (message optional) make item? / next page, and so on. The description would state what you had to give.

When you've committed to making that item, you give the pieces to whoever makes the item. You'l be committed to making it. He'l remind you what you need to give, and you'l give it all at once, save having to measure each individual item given bit by bit.

Just a thought! What a great read from yourself Mr Wolf! ‎ Biggrin

HAHAHA!!! ‎  By the way, I think I've spent almost 600 hours into my current Monster Hunter game... ‎  Which blows me away actually because its like the game is setup to prompt continuous game-play. ‎  ....and its not that in depth. ‎  I've spent less time in a vast world, whereas Monster Hunter is like a handful of areas, and you do the same thing each mission, about.

I'm hoping that once I get a "mission statement" down pat, I can crank out a lot of missions with little to no effort.... ‎  Which will add hundreds of hours of satisfying gameplay! ‎ 

I know I've still got a ton of bugs to iron out as far as how this all works.... ‎  but I think it will be a winner.

Time frame on getting this complete? ‎ 
I'm getting married in August. ‎  I might be able to have it done by then.... ‎  Hard to say, but if I put some authentic geeked out time into it (like staying up until 2am the past couple nights), August might be realistic.

[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Well, it doesn't look like I'll be able to come up with an abandon quest feature. ‎  ....not without having pointless contracts swimming around.

I think since the save feature will be disabled for in game, I'll disable saves completely when a mission is accepted.

[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Try 750+ hours! I played my psp so much with MH!

Do you use xlink kai?

I defeated Aka single handedly - hadnt been online before i beat him too!

[Image: funny-pictures-nuts-birds.jpg]

Got me popular with the ladies. (It didnt.)


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