Getting Started Again can be difficult

After getting my workstation completed, and all my old sword of moonlight files and my XP yeah I said it XP up and running I have my ‎  cheat documents handy, I am ready to start a new SoM game.... My project will named SQS Ultra.

More information to come as I progress with project. All I can say right now is that........ Thank the good lord I made over 300 textures already.

On the XP comment I finally decided to revert to Xp on this project because my laptop wouldn't take dx9 drivers with dx11 none or Mick's tools worked, and I wanted to incorporate his upgrades :-) plus on the really though, I just really like the feel of Windows XP when it comes to using the sword of moonlight program, and I got pretty fast at it......


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Re: Getting Started Again can be difficult - by Madison Lastrega - 2013-06-17, 09:07 PM

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