Any Brigandine (PSX) fans?

Hiya Chazchu. The music in LoF was stored in normal CD music tracks, whereas Grand Edition uses a MIDI like format. I doubt it's possible to put LoF's music into Grand Edition (without a lot of work), but I will check into it before being done. ‎  Maybe as an optional version.

Dinar Yunus: i sure hope I'll be done before 2015!

Please don't change the music ! Well maybe Iscalios but I like all the other country themes in grand mostly ‎  the Empire !!

Interesting Tony! You're the first person I've heard who preferred the BGE music. If I did add LoF music to BGE, it would be an optional patch not built into the translation.

A little update. The Special Quest text is translated and inserted. I'm sure there are some typos and such, but the Special Quests are probably the biggest single chunk of text in the game. moving on to the 'battle events' now.

I'd like to mention here, that one of the people who posted in this thread is CEO of Crucial Apps. Not only did his company provide some awesome translation help with several sections of the BGE text, they are also (drum roll please... ‎  Drummer) in full production for an all new Brigandine like ‎  game!

The game is called ‎  "Sabaton: War of the Weeping Lands". If you're not up on Medieval warfare, a "sabaton" is a piece of armor. They've been cool enough to let me see some of the development goodies and I must say there's a lot of talent involved with the project. The project leader is a big Brigandine fan so I have good hopes that the final product will be a worthy spiritual successor to Brigandine.

If you want to get a sneak preview of some of the art involved in Sabaton, you can check out The site is under development so things are just placeholders, but there are still some intriguing tidbits to see. Most of the non-Brigandine pictures at the bottom are concept art for Sabaton!

So for all you fans who've longed for a sequel, keep and eye open for more updates. There's hope on the horizon! ‎  Megaman

Hey bro, did you forget about your promise to me? ‎  Biggrin

Sorry before if I would make you busy ‎  Wink

Me forget??? Impossible!!! ...well maybe a little ‎  Badteeth
Carlotta, I didn't want to fight you.

I fight to live. I fight for my dreams.

I know. Lets go Carlotta!

Yeah, don't hold back.

Isfas... Are you my opponent?

I never thought I'd fight you, but I suppose it was destined
to turn out this way from the day I became a knight.
Charlene, don't hold back. Do you understand?

... ... oh, I guess you're right. I'm a knight too.
I must defeat the enemy before me even if they
were once my friend.

Yes. Let's go!

Pfft, it's Langueborg. I could see your tail wagging from here. ‎ 

Langueborg: your mouth. A common soldier like you
couldn't possibly comprehend how a master strategist like
me has a duty to serve the ruler of the world. I Langueborg
have nothing to be ashamed of! ‎ 

What a sharp tongue. I'm looking forward to cutting it out.

Uhh...Please I..I was just kidding! Sorry!

Yo buddy, it's been awhile.

Oh, it's the poor guy with the mustache. Are you still broke all the time?

Meh, making progress little by little. How about you bud?

Me? I'm havin' a blast! Doesn't matter where you fight, war
is still fun! Gwa ha ha ha!

Daffy: Heh, you haven't changed a bit.

WOW NICE. That is all I wanted to know. Thanks a lot HwitVlf ‎  Saint

By the way, HwitVlf, your nick name are funny, and how about a letter "l" ?

Small L or Capital i? :)

Ha, my Hwit Vlf nickname is actually old English (as in English circa 600 AD) for White Wolf. ‎  I came up with my 'screen name' when I first signed up for an email many years ago and ‎  had just finished reading a book on the Wulf Kings of Old England.

Vaynard's White Wolf nickname is just a coincidence. I never really cared for Vaynard's character in LoF and I don't think I even remembered he was called White Wolf at the time.

(2014-03-21, 06:10 PM)HwitVlf link Wrote:I'm not familiar with EBOOT to ISO conversion process, but the odds are high that the patch would work as long as the ISO doesn't have compression etc. If nothing else, I will try to make the patch compatible with all known forms of the game before I'm done. Do you know the checksum (CRC32) and size for such an ISO?

If the CRC32 is e7dd77c8 the patch should work. Even if the CRC is different, if the file size is 751,720,368, there is a good chance the patch will work.

I forgot about this, sorry!

Now that I remembered to actually go and check, I can't seem to get the EBOOT to convert to a usable ISO at all. All the programs I've tried either give an error message or spit out a corrupted file, even though the game works perfectly fine on the PSP. Looking around online, I saw some other people having similar problems, and I suspect that the programs just can't handle converting multi-disc EBOOTs like BGE. Oh well!

Quote:Now that I remembered to actually go and check, I can't seem to get the EBOOT to convert to a usable ISO at all. All the programs I've tried either give an error message or spit out a corrupted file, even though the game works perfectly fine on the PSP. Looking around online, I saw some other people having similar problems, and I suspect that the programs just can't handle converting multi-disc EBOOTs like BGE. Oh well!

In psp or emulators the brigandine legend of forsena has a loop problem and never had a fix in years. You can only choose escalio or the game reset.
How did you manage to run perfect in psp bro? Biggrin

Sorry my english

I was running Grand Edition, not Legend of Forsena. GE is available on the Japanese PSN.

I don't think there's any solution to getting LoF working properly, but chances are good that GE with the English patch will run perfectly fine when it's finished if you create your own EBOOT from the patched ISO. So there's something to look forward to!

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