Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts

Hey folks, I just finished playing through the translated Shadow Tower Abyss, which was great. Thanks again to the translators. I started a new game + but I think I'll take a break before continuing.

Anyway, in my searching around the Internet I came across a list of "games like King's Field" in a thread on an Agetec forum. One of the ones I hadn't heard of was Hungry Ghosts, which was only released in Japan, no English translation. Coincidentally, Hardcoregaming101 has a recent review of it:

I just ordered a used copy from Amazon, I was lucky enough to find one for under $20 - most of the used copies I saw were closer to $40, and others were in the $100+ range.

I don't know how keen folks are on attempting more translating here, but after seeing the excellent job on Shadow Tower Abyss, I just thought I'd throw this into the ring as it seems like it would be of interest. I'd be happy to create a disc image for translation use once I get my copy.

I remember that game being mentioned too- it looks like it it has excellent art design, but gameplay looks closer to ‎  Resident Evil than KF. I liked RE too.

There's no way to say how easy/hard it would be to translate without looking at the files. I just ordered a copy, but it will take awhile to get here - assuming the Amazon seller doesn't cancel the order. I've had that happen more than once. I'll look it over when it arrives. It looks like Sony published that game and they are notorious for being copyright-nazis who will slap a "cease and desist" order on anyone who mentions tampering with one of their games- even if what the person is doing is perfectly legal. I'll post my findings here when the time comes (feel free to remind me if it's been too long). ‎  Smile

Thanks, HwitVlf. I'll let you know when my copy arrives also.

I keep being surprised by how many games there are for PS2, especially under-the-radar ones like this. Really glad I softmodded my PS2 and then coincidentally discovered Shadow Tower Abyss, it felt extra special all around.

Oooh, I take a trip to Japan and people dig up some more interesting stuff. ‎  Maybe I should make more trips to Japan. ‎  :D

That definitely sounds intriguing - I may be up for trying to help out with some more translation down the road. ‎  Keep us posted!

Ooh, nice find, looks great! This is one of the reasons I need to learn Japanese.. Bowl

(2012-03-20, 07:07 PM)Mord of Swoonlight link Wrote: Oooh, I take a trip to Japan and people dig up some more interesting stuff. ‎  Maybe I should make more trips to Japan. ‎  :D

Did you go to see Domo? :)

Where abouts in Japan? Ive been three times for vacation.

(2012-03-22, 03:50 PM)Verdite link Wrote: Where abouts in Japan? Ive been three times for vacation.

Nice! ‎  I always love hearing about others' trips there - where have you been?

I used to live there for a while, but this last time we kind of did some random stuff. ‎  Went snowboarding and onsen-ing in Minakami (Gunma Pref.), then to Niigata to see some old friends, and finally went down to Yakushima for several days. ‎  After all these years of hearing about it, at long last I made it to the Ninja restaurant in Tokyo as well. ‎ 

Just looked at some vids on this, definitely similar genre to some of From's ps2 era games.

I would be interested in giving it a shot if there were a proper translation ;)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Ninja resturaunt sounds cool. Im unfamiliar with Gunma is it in Hokkaido? When i hear of snow in Japan i think Hokkaido and macaques in onsens :)

Done a bit of onsening myself in Fukushima. I stayed in Fukushima twice for long vacations, though my first visit to Japan took me to Tokyo and Kamakura. Have to say ive a real soft spot for Fukushima, mostly Aizu and Sendai. Done alot of samurai and tradition learning when i was there along with walking in the mountains.

Yeah, I was really heartbroken to hear that Sendai got hit - it's my favorite city in Japan. ‎  I've been hiking a few times in Fukushima as well (and one snow festival)...

Gunma actually borders Fukushima to the southwest. ‎  They have plenty of snow there, too - I lived not far from the region made famous by Kawabata's "Snow Country". ‎  4-meter drifts in some areas up in the mountains. ‎  It's like driving in a pac-man maze! ‎  I found Hokkaido to be colder, but with somewhat less precipitation. ‎  The Japan sea coast gets pummeled with snow, but it only ever gets a couple degrees below freezing, so the snow melts pretty quickly between dumps. ‎ 

Haha, the bathing macaques are definitely worth a trip to see if you're ever in northern Nagano. ‎  Jigoku-dani Koen is the most famous by far. ‎  Very touristy but at the same time completely worth it. ‎  There is even a nearby public outdoor onsen that is open to monkeys and people - which I did - but it's pretty filthy because monkeys are, well, filthy. ‎  Great experience for the story, anyway. ‎ 

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