Getting Started Again can be difficult

Mick received a 30 day ban about a week ago due to repeated argumentative and demeaning behavior. ‎  The post that "broke the camel's back" was removed. ‎  It's up to him if he comes back after that.

"It's up to him if he comes back after that."

He made it clear to me that he wasnt coming back.

Yeah, but he's "made that clear" about 5 times during his SoM career. Though Mick has said more than once that "he's doing us all a favor" by posting here, there are things this site has to offer him that he won't find elsewhere. If he really wants to be such a drama queen as to stay away, it's his loss as far as I'm concerned. However, my motivation in the ban and trying to enforce a "courtesy" rule here is to improve the quality of the environment for SoM developers. Right now, "SoM Developers" equals you and ML. If you two would rather have Mick around with no constraint on civility, then let me know. Frankly, I'd rather not have to waste my time trying to monitor things here anyways.

Well I like the civility better, I just wanted to know what happened.... After all he wrote something , ‎  important or not every day.... No worries I don't mind either way, least ben knows how to make his stuff work... Otherwise I would just abandon using his extensions in the future, .... Heck I,m afraid to try to install his stuff again. Last time I did it I had to reinstall my som installation..... And rathmore demo in ex does not work... And the non ex version works but is slow as molasses... And I fear that it is ex Dependant..... Great work too ben would love to see it running at full speed.... My non ex rathmore demo runs at like 11 frames or something snail like... But I can see the art involved..... I know it not my laptop, it runs DD and KFI and other demos at full speed. ‎  ‎  But alas we shall prevail if we work as a team, and I do agree that he did not like to play well with others.............I also agree I am sure hell will pop back in at some point........ML

"Great work too ben would love to see it running at full speed.... My non ex rathmore demo runs at like 11 frames or something snail like..."

Thanks! Actually its probably because the first area has some high poly map pieces that will be removed in the final game. Im pleased you mentioned about the SomEx version, because others havent had a problem with it, except for JDO having some crashes, I believe. Joe im not sure exactly what happened to your installation, but id be happy to help if you need help. Not having SomEx installed may cause you to change some things when its installed, because it really smooths off the graphics, and if you want to incorporate things like jumping.

sure I would love some help with it so, when I wake I am going to use my tablet to record me actualy attemping to run rathmore ex and then if you can please help me get it running it would be lovly ..... I have put all the directx 9 stuff in place,,, I even put that file you sent me in the folder, but alas no dice..... seems I am missing some small little step in the setup, but forgive me micks instructions on his site read like stereo intructions.....
I asked him to make a simple somex for dummies, and I was told to pound sand... maybey when you have time you could make a short but sweet ......

Step 1 install som
step 2 Install tranlation patch
step 3 download somex from \<span> site blocked, contact your administrator
step 4 yada yada yada......

Now that way I could make a checklist and others wishing to use the extensions could make a checklist of the steps..... then SoMex would be easy to setup for everyone.... Ben your smarter than the average guy... I am a good modler, but you have blossomed to a great all around desingner, you want a bomb model come see me, you want ex to work come see you... besides I want to play it like it looks on you tube, and dying to fight that awesome skeleton dude:).................. and besides I have to admitt I want to incorperate a jump command if it is stable and will run for everyone..... My libra level would be much better and changing if I could jump:)......ML

Joe have you seen this?

Now that's some impressive som modeling right there:-) ‎  kinda shows just how nice you maps can be, nice to see a space theme as well.... Wonder if that guy made projectiles? ‎  ‎  ...........ML

Sadly the author gave up and passed his project to diver, who loves it.

You can get it here :

Man, that's sad. ‎  I stop in to say hey and find out Mick is back to his old tricks.
Shame really.

Anyway, I might as well comment on the subject title.
Yes, yes it is.

In a way, its good that my "starting again" doesn't have to do with a partial or unfinished project.
Mine is actually a deeper hole of "I've already made 3 full length games from this." and there's nothing left for a 4th.


...but that still doesn't rule anything out for me. ‎ 
Heck, after a few years, I might have forgotten my old ideas and will be back to reinvent them.
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