Old demo thread

Demo link.
Rathmor demo

Bugfix available
Copy these files into your data/map files to fix bugs

Updated 08/07/13
While the demo is completely out of scope for the final version of Rathmor, it is available again for those who want to enjoy it.

[Image: 2e3v0ue.jpg]

[Image: 2qml0sz.jpg]

Over a year has passed, and a game i am pleased with has finally materialised into a demo.

This is a taste of whats to come. While the demo may not reflect exactly what i intend to achieve, it does in a round-about way.

I hope you enjoy it!

NEW UPDATE 6/5/2011

Two new maps added, with new enemies and treasure.
New music.
LOADS of new dialogue to read from npcs, monsters, items, objects.
New treasure areas, more balanced items available.
Complete overhaul of the caves - explore a new area.
Map of the caves. (updated 6/5/11.)
New custom enemy - Hiding in a secret room! Can you find him?
Many hours of re-balancing and bug fixing.
New sword event!!

Copy these files into your data/map files to fix bugs

The demo includes:

New never seen before items, armour and treasure.
A basic magic ward setup, and new way of attaining magic. (This is implemented only slightly in the demo.)
Five maps, each completely new and different to any game - All buildings, landscapes, everything built by myself, nothing is original SoM Stock.
Two new enemies. (one appears on behalf of Hwtvlf)
New textures on enemies and npcs.
Music composed and created by myself.
Art created by myself.
Rathmor Lore. (Use the Truth wand!)

A General interestingly different Medieval atmos!

There are a good two+ hours worth of playing time for the average player. Treasure hunters would probably spend up to 7+ hours.

Please, take time to view the readme if you dont know whats what. Actually, better to view it anyway.
And i'd love to hear from anyone about this demo, you can find an email address to contact me in the readme.
Please post any bugs here / email.



Cant wait to turn the lights off, tell my wife Im busy for the night and dive into your game!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Put about 5 hours in this game last night, thank you so much Ben, the experience was genuinely great!

I can tell youve put great depth in the plot and stories behind your characters, and the 100% custom world is very refreshing!

My wife loved the Dodarc farm ;)

Can't wait to see more.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Thanks Todd

Link is fixed for all to try.

Just to say i'll need to dodge my project for a while. I've studying to do that i've neglected because i was busy with my project.

I hope you enjoy and download the demo, and be happy finding the treasures.

If you have trouble downloading, let me know and ill give you alternative instructions.

Ben (Verdite)

Yeah, I agree with Todd- very neat. My ISP has has very limited bandwidth except during a time slot starting at midnight. So I downloaded the demo at midnight and still stayed up playing it for a while. I was looking up in awe at your trees and meanie Skeleton snuck up behind me a squished me ha ha. ‎  Classic KF- best death ever!

When I use a flasks, I end up with 255 in my inventory. I had the same problem in some of my events and I think I fixed it by putting a 'Change Page" command at the end of the event to prevent it from auto looping.

Its fixed in the latest demo :)

Ben, couple issues.

In the (what I will refer to as sewers) if I travel along the right side to where you begin to see mudslides (the thick gray concrete looking stuff) and continue on and on there is a point that I hit that crashes the game, not sure whats going on there, but am able to reproduce it every time.

Also, I found the ant area and the miner's guild area...there is a chest in the miner's mound that has a blank item in it, looks like it referenced something that either got deleted or moved around in your item table.

so far everything else is looking pretty damn good.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I love the 'sewers' (ha, that sounds weird?!) they remind me of Ultima Underworld and Arena.

Ben, I cant get through the doorway past the snake, the door is too low =/
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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