Return to Melanat [Full Game]

I've never experienced this issue so it's hard to have an educated idea what causes it. RGB Emulation (aka software rendering) isn't ideal for the reasons you stated, but the fact that it fixes the issue gives a clue as to the source of the problem.

I've heard that Windows Aero causes flickering issues with some full screen programs. People have reported a fix by disabling Aero. ‎  Confused

I will have to give this a try as well, I tried streaming Return to Melanat today - and uploaded the vids to youtube, though its quite choppy and flickery throughout. ‎  I thought it was just because I was capturing gameplay but it may be the aero desktop.

Anyhow, I will have the lets play of the game on youtube at when they are all finished. ‎  About halfway through the game right now I would estimate.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Hey that's right, it might be a good idea to disable windows aero next time you record. I thought this was a pretty good playthrough though, other lets players can't even get past the first area. Dazed
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


I cant recall, is there a method to force windowed mode for an som game?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Btw I added the download to the som dropbox so folks dont need to navigate to pop up city on media fire, check the game download links thread. ‎  I will add the other games on here soon and when there are final versions available.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Hello all. I'm new to this forum, but not to the King's Field games. I have played every American release plus I just finished the SOM version of the original yesterday. I just finished 'Fall of Verdite', and was getting ready to fire up 'Return to Melanat' because frankly, the U.S. King's Field 1 is my favorite:)

Much to my dismay, the game for some reason fails to start properly. I press any key on the title screen, and then the title screen fades like it's going to go into the intro video, and I can hear the video playing, but I can't see it and the game itself never gets past this point to where I can start playing. Nothing I press gets me past the unseen video. The game essentially just hangs after the video gets done playing. It doesn't freeze, mind you...just a black screen. No other music, no switching to the first area...nothing.

Disappointed to say the least cause I was really looking forward as I read how amazing this game sounds like it is, have watched the trailer and a few brief minutes of other folks playing it on YouTube. But I didn't want anything spoiled, so I decided to wait. I'm going to fill the void until I can get help with getting this problem solved with some KF: Dark Destiny.

Odd, not sure what'd be causing that. Did you try pressing escape? That should skip the video and drop you into the first area.

If not, I'll see if I can make a patch that bypasses the intro video at the start.
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


(2015-06-20, 08:53 AM)MasterTaffer link Wrote:Odd, not sure what'd be causing that. Did you try pressing escape? That should skip the video and drop you into the first area.

If not, I'll see if I can make a patch that bypasses the intro video at the start.

Unfortunately, I have tried everything. No button on either the keyboard or controller I am using seems to get a response.

Is there some sort of strange codec that the opening movie uses that not all computers have? Could that be what is making it not show up? But then again, that wouldn't explain why the game in essentially unresponsive to any input whatsoever, even after the sound portion of the video stops playing.

Are there any settings anywhere that might be able to be adjusted in order to get this to work without having to bypass video? Because if the ending is video also, then would it not have issues with that as well?

Bummer...well if you can come up with something to at least allow me and anyone else who might have this issue in the future the ability to at least play the game, I guess we can't complain.

Okay, so this is going to be a complete facepalm once you hear it, but I got the game to work properly now.

Basically, I had a SEVERELY outdated K-Lite Codec pack on my computer. From back in like 2009. Version 5.5. Yeah.

So all I did was update it to version 11.2 and your game started like a charm. The opening intro video plays no problem now.

Looking forward to conquering Melanat again after I finish up Dark Destiny. Almost done with it. I am soooo excited.

That's great to hear. I intend to keep video files out of my future SOM games, as others have reported problems with it as well.

Have fun with your playthrough, and let me know what you think!
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


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