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Thanks DMPDesign |
Posted by: wolfman11983 - 2013-10-11, 07:41 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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Hey folks,
No sure why it took me so long to join this community, but here I am now, thanks DMPdesign.
With one of my goals on my YouTube channel being to play all things kings field, it just never occurred to me to join up and that is shameful.
Currently, I have under my belt, "King's Field SoM" (KF1 remake), "King's Field 2 (american release)", "King's Field Anchient City", "Shadow Tower", "Shadow Tower Abyss (english translated)", Eternal Ring, Tresmegistus, and I am currently working on "King's Field Dark Legacy"
Looking forward to jumping on all the projects I can find here as I finish. Not sure how many developers would read this, but if you would prefer me NOT to play through game for an audience feel free to let me know. (I plan on asking regardless as I pick up projects)
The Evolution of Sword of Moonlight |
Posted by: Hguols - 2013-09-02, 03:48 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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So, I haven't started a thread in a while... but I'd like to talk about something.
Now, I'm sure you're all looking at the thread title with the evolution of the program itself in mind, but I'd like to talk about (perhaps even challenge) the evolution of the SoM game creation, and taking a step backward to move forward.
Let me explain, but first, a preface.
Please keep in mind, the ideas I'm about to present aren't directed toward anyone and are not intended to step on any toes. This (intention) is for the growth of the community here and a perspective on origin and what this has-been-use-to-could (me) thinks our purpose here is really all about.
Having been on the board since its birth, (when I used to walk here in the snow for 10 miles uphill both ways) I've noticed how many threads based on topic went from creating games with Sword of Moonlight, to creating model pieces for Sword of Moonlight.
Nothing wrong with that. Its great and is keeping SoM alive, for which I'm grateful.
I think, as a community, we're losing sight (even if its just a little bit) of one major concept of Sword of Moonlight, and that is making a game with Sword of Moonlight.
Having been elsewhere for a while, (almost to the point of an outsider looking in), I can't help but metaphorically compare what's going on from recent posts to tattoos/tattooing. See, years ago, tattoos (in my area) weren't that common. Then over the years I started seeing more and more of them. Now, its common to see people COVERED in body art. There's nothing wrong with that....
...but if you have a room full of people covered in body art and one person in the room with no tattoos, who looks more "unique and/or innovative" from an outsider looking in? (which is ironic because a lot of people tattoo with some element of uniqueness in mind)
Same with a bulletin board covered in red, green, blue, etc. colored flyers, a single plain white flyer with them will actually catch the eye of a passerby more.
I think the same applies here with Sword of Moonlight. I've seen the occasional model/texture/mod/etc. turn into COVERED in model/texture/mod/etc., which is awesome, don't get me wrong.
With so much emphasis on textures, models, animations, additions, etc. - I believe someone would actually really be moving the SoM (what's the word) "spirit" forward if they just made a game, even with the default SoM workings.
In closing, I'd like to present a challenge (well, it doesn't have to be a challenge) with incentives.
By the end of the year, I'd like to see someone (or multiple someone(s)) create a quality Sword of Moonlight game - just from the basic install.
You can be as innovative as you want with the game's engine and textures. This doesn't have to be Skyrim epic - think King's Field epic. (That makes sense, doesn't it?)
If you want a soundtrack from me for the game? You've got it on my time. That offer is still on the table if 10 of you decide to make games.
I can give out some gifts of my craft for incentives - heck, I might even part way with some cash, just because.
Questions? Comments? Snide remarks?
Thank you for your time,
I had a thought... |
Posted by: StolenBattenberg - 2013-08-04, 04:45 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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Today I started work on a theory I had a while back, it came to me a while back when I saw a post with information on the King's Field texture format, and how to convert images found in the PS1 games into standard .TIM format, this is the topic - https://www.swordofmoonlight.com/bbs/ind...19#msg6419
In this thread is a download to documents explaining the differences in file format (not much really)
if the process could be reversed; This, in theory might allow us to re-texture enemies, on the original PS1 version. (Haven't found level textures, they've got to be hiding somewhere though...)
Now I'm not sure if this would work, I do know people have successfully replaced textures on Playstation games before though.
Textures would still be limited to there original size, but you could probably fit in some more color etc (keeping in mind the limitations)
This has been the only way I've thought of, other than recreating the game (possible, but if you took the time to do it properly, you'd never want to play it again...) to refresh King's Field, if we can find the terrain textures it would be even more better.
Unfortunately, I can't extract the King's Field ISOs past the first game. the one released in Japan only, each time I get invalid MS.DOS function errors -- so for me this is but a dream.