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world of fire
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2024-11-07, 06:32 PM
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Vault of ideas(Mods/hacks...
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help me name my 4 chapters friends....... |
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2013-07-07, 05:24 PM - Forum: SQS Ultra
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More bad news from DC comics unfortunately.... The sub names Earthworld fireworld waterworld , and airworld , also have DC's TM on them..... In fact the movie Waterworld had to be Cleared by DC as well... ( that my friends was like movie news I never knew).... Waterworld the movie had a 200 million budget, they could afford it, I on the other hand cannot.... So I have to rename my sub chapters as well...... And I am turning to my forum for help with the SQS ultra names...... The only one I have some direction with is chapter 3 waterworld ....... In the comics waterworld is called "Auqainlon" so that could work for chapter 3.... So I need to name earthworld , fireworld , and air world........ Any suggestions my friends..... Names must be related to their elements, like gia for earth, ect. thanks friends.....ML
Leveling Up |
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2013-07-06, 09:45 PM - Forum: General Theory Discussions
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In most games I've played, I feel like the whole concept of "leveling up" is mostly an illusion. If the game is not boring, the player will always be fighting enemies who are close to his own power. So "leveling up" is just a way to make the player feel like they are progressing, even though they aren't. For instance, the difficulty in King's Field(US) when you first set foot on the shores of Melenant seems about the same as the difficulty in the last levels of the game. So really, what was the point of all the leveling up?
I'm thinking maybe a system closer to some of the Zelda games is better. Instead of "leveling up stats" you find equipment that gives you new skills. Or you learn new weapon techniques that make your fighting more effective, but not necessarily more damaging. And, right from the beginning of the game, some enemies are extremely strong others are easy.
Does anyone have thoughts on a good alternative to a "leveling up" system? Or maybe leveling up is the way to go after all?
Site update |
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2013-07-04, 08:37 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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Im thinking about tossing the current layout and updating it with fresh content pretty soon (probably sometime in August, maybe sooner). I would like to have links to the wiki, to the addons section (if its still out there), the forum, rathmor and the other games in progress and the old games that are there of course. I also intend to link to som.net and possibly build and maintain a page with howto information and latest downloads for SomEx if that is acceptable to HolyDiver.
Ben and Joe, if you dont mind, I would like to make a page dedicated to your games there with links to the forum of course and any media you may have online, such as youtube videos or personal websites.
I think SOM.com used to be a one stop shop for all things SOM, but I haven't kept up with it properly the last year or two and it needs some love. I really hope you are all onboard with me linking directly to your work, anyone who comes here should be able to find your games and the SomEx latest news as it is very relevant to the future of SOM development.
Removing offensive magic. Poll! |
Posted by: Verdite - 2013-06-28, 01:06 PM - Forum: Moratheia
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This will impact the game mechanics immensely if a proper conclusion is reached, so please choose carefully you can change your vote at any time.
Stats will be adjusted accordingly along with the speed of weapons. Since magic would no longer be used as an 'interrupt' to stop an enemies attack hitting you, weapons will have to be lighter. Because the player will attack alot more, the strength stat from levelling up will be removed.
INT (MAG) stat will increase slowly by reading books and talking to NPCs. INT will affect certain outcomes in quests or dialogue.
For every 5 levels the player has earned, the player can train abilities in either strength or intelligence, in town.
Healing will be a massive benefit to a combat game, and thus will be utilised properly.
The player starts off with basic equipment. Long dagger (small weapon - about the same size of a shortsword) or an axe (medium length) and a spear.
There will be 5 types of attack.
Small weapons
Shortest length.
Anything between 0.1 to 0.7 KG
A 180 degree slash, left to right, in front of the player with a moderate attack angle. Fastest recovery.
Medium length slash and hack weapons
Moderate length.
Anything between 0.7 KG to 1.2 KG
A traditional KF style right arm vertical slash, with a good attack angle. Moderate recovery.
Heavy one handed weapons
Good length.
Anything above 1.2 KG
Attack similar to the short weapon having a 180 degree left to right with the best attack angle. Longest recovery.
Best length.
Spears will be between 0.5 to 1.5 KG
Tip of weapon is held below the players eye level so they can aim properly, then spear extends from that position. Smallest attack angle. Moderate recovery.
Shortest length.
Arm extends forward from a wind up position and hits slightly to the right of the players central view. Moderate attack angle. Moderate recovery. The players fist will always be the least damaging of attacks.
Some forest reference pictures |
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2013-06-27, 08:00 PM - Forum: General Theory Discussions
- Replies (6)
Yesterday was my birthday and I took a short jaunt down some back roads near where I live to nice little nook I recently discovered. Anyways, I took pics of a few things that might be helpful/interesting for 3D modeling. Nothing great, just some tid bits that might inspire an idea.
Trees in this area were mostly tall, straight pines, but still, almost no two trees were positioned at the same agle. About 80% were nearly straight, and the rest were leaning in significant angles. Trees seek the sunlight. If there was a hole in the canopy, trees grew to lean toward it to catch the light.
Most games where I've seen a waterfall, the water pours off a sheer cliff and comes down in a single sheet. In the real world, waterfalls seem to have the water coming down in multiple, irregular streamlets. Because the water erodes the cliff face, its "drop-off" point is often cut down into the cliff and can't be easily seem from the side.
One of the principles in Geology is the higher you go in the mountains, the larger the rocks in the creeks are. Simply because they haven't had time to erode down into pebbles and sand. Games usually have streams as well defined "water roads", but in mountain areas water is filled with large rocks like the picture below. Another geological principle is that streams in steep areas tend to form a series of plateau 'ponds' with short waterfalls connecting them. That can be seen a little in the picture too.
Because of the steep terrain in mountains and the fact that mountains are rocky by nature, water often flows in deep channels cut directly into the mountain's stone. The steeper the terrain, the more likely this is to happen in my experience.
Just a few pictures of multi-trunk trees that might be interesting to model. Some trees have multi-trunks by nature, but even single-trunk trees, have occasional "twins".
A tree bridge across a creek. Usually, the root end of the fallen tree is still buried in the ground. Also, the bark is the fist thing to rot off because it holds the moisture more than the solid wood underneath., so tree bridges are usually barkless smooth wood within a few years after they fall.
As was mentioned in one of the links Verdite posted about modeling trees, there is usually a lot more dead wood in a forest than games show. Trees are in a continual process of dying and regrowing- the lower branches usually die off because the highest branches block out the light. In a dense forest, the ground is often more dead wood than greenery. There's just not enough light for stuff to grow.