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  How do you setup a Stone Face?
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2013-04-30, 05:50 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (4)

Can a Stone Face work? Or am I missing something?

His attacks explode before they leave his mouth unless he is well off the wall. Maybe some walls fair better than others?

But I am more curious about the SOM_PRM setup. I tried any number of things and couldn't get him to stay flush with the wall. It's possible if he is exactly perpendicular to the wall his attacks won't go poof, but he wants to turn to follow his target.

PS: I am trying to get some more info on this before I go trying to remedy these bugs. I'm hesitant to "fix" anything around SOM_PRM because I don't have a 100% understanding of the settings. Not having spent any real time with it in a very long time (and relying on translated executable images for accuracy)

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  Video Fixing
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2013-04-14, 04:04 PM - Forum: Dark Destiny - Replies (3)

Finally getting around to recompiling the DD vids to actually work on windows 7 without having to retro fit an indeo codec onto your machine.

I will upload a new DD download sometime today with the fixes so anyone that was unable to get the vids to play before (such as the ending even) should now be able to.

Sorry it took so long to get it done, but just found my old raw files yesterday that makes this possible :D

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  Rathmor news
Posted by: Verdite - 2013-04-11, 02:50 PM - Forum: Moratheia - Replies (50)


- 78 new map parts made, along with icons - includes tree sets, new houses, castle parts, and temple parts
- 2 new detailed essential levels
- New objects- lamp stands, trees and doors
- Completely rehauled the lighting for all levels - Rathmor will be set in darkness in some parts, and lamps provide the light. This is vital to the story and really sets the mood. Im carefully placing lamps so that their light will always be within the players sight on a level.

[Image: u7gh.jpg]

[Image: 7ogm.jpg]

[Image: wjx2.jpg]

[Image: igis.jpg]

[Image: tizr.jpg]

[Image: 3wsu.jpg]

[Image: j9yt.jpg]

[Image: rk47.jpg]

[Image: 9zvn.jpg]


I missed out a month! I know! ‎  Dazed

Hope you'l find two months worth of work here. I've done absurd amounts of work on Rathmors outdoor sections and polished various models. Juggling my project and real life has proven to be a challenge.

Ive also discovered whats best in terms of lighting for my project with the help of some games, JDO, DMPdesign and Holy Diver.
Basically accumulated advice on lighting.

Good news for progress! 4 maps completed, yet remain unpopulated. I'm hard on myself when it comes to levels, so alot have been scrapped. It would have been 5 had I not lost one.

Im also posting Rathmor news in this link. I make sure I dont use the same screenshots.

Created a 121 piece mountain map set, at about 16 meters high. It is climbable, and its actually one model split up. It took a day to build and import, and it has a simple customisation feature; it has an individually named texture, so when it becomes available for SOM users you can chage its texture as you wish, with a simple overwrite.

The lowest point...
[Image: jl2p.jpg]

Stood at the highest point...
[Image: af3t.jpg]

Well over 40 new textures. Mainly for map pieces - 20 are for a grass set that merges into a mud set. Plenty of effort.

New grass map pieces, 3 in total.

Create your own forest set, 32 pieces. New, super efficient trees that blend nicely, cliffs that have overhanging roots to break up lines in the environment, and dips to add water, or even sink map pieces into.

No ambience and lighting...
[Image: 55bw.jpg]

Ambience and lighting...
[Image: 90hg.jpg]

[Image: zcre.jpg]

[Image: ygbq.jpg]

Create your own mountain set, 23 pieces. Mountain edges blend seamlessly and you can create a mountain as high as you want, the mountain even has a flat platform set that you can setup to climb. This set has bushes and trees as map pieces, so your mountains need not be bland again!

[Image: idyy.jpg]

[Image: p3g6.jpg]

New pieces for the mines including a safety tunnel.

Thanks to JDO's input on creating uneven surfaces and lines for immersive purposes *catches breath* I have been creating all of my map pieces as natural and as diverse as possible thanks to his examples and guidance. Hats off to JDO for input - a little effort goes a long way. Sometimes it can just be a small comment that makes all the difference. If you'd like to GAD (give a damn) feel free to post. Enemykd-tomato

New weapons, I was short on axes!

[Image: d5xk.jpg]


New enemy, the Eggthief. He uses a headbutt as his primary attack.

[Image: tzyv.jpg]

Alkarg retexture.

[Image: 1zxc.jpg]


Its been another NPC month, created a kid, and three guards. Pictures are all .jpg for ease of download so expect some loss in clarity (left click to zoom)...

[Image: cxf6.jpg]

[Image: 3iyg.jpg]

[Image: hfid.jpg]

[Image: ko7q.jpg]

[Image: sxij.jpg]

[Image: 98lg.jpg]

Along with a few plants.
"Och no! That wee beasties eating me 'erbs!"
[Image: npn9.jpg]

16/5/13 GMT

[Image: somlight.jpg]

So theres alot to cover since I last updated the news thread, well I had alot of ideas coming for new NPCs that I couldnt create simply by using models from my old NPCs, so I decided to make completely new models, because its good practice? ‎  Smile and secondly I needed a much more mallable model structure that I could diversify easily with.

After standardising my NPC base model I took it from there. The base model probably took about 18 hours, I dont even dare imagine how much time ive spent on the NPCs since then. Anyway each is animated and characterised differently from the other. So ive made six! So far, more ideas forming for other NPCs. Including my old models, thats 12 complete NPCs, and unlike some games where (here i go off on one) animations are re used for each character, in the KF tradition all my NPCs are unique.

Enemykd-tomato where are my pictures?! ‎  Biggrin

[Image: gallahaith.jpg]

[Image: grisk.jpg]

Athraith (left) Bregneid (right)
[Image: athraithbregneid.jpg]

[Image: bura2k.jpg]

[Image: lang2y.jpg]

Also, like in the first demo I ever made, I had an enclosure for animals to roam around in, it was a bit like a farm of sorts. Anyway instead of remaking the SOM birds, I decided to create something SOM doesnt have - boars.

[Image: blackboar.jpg]

[Image: boars2.jpg]

Also for those of you who dont know, Holydiver has included a jump function for SomEx, along with a ton of other great things like climbing over objects smoothly, ducking... To name a few. Anyone who needs help setting up SomEx please get in touch.

11/4/13 GMT

Ive started a new topic for Rathmor news updates, simply because the other was getting choked up with images.

So ill start off by showing the long awaited (eh? ‎  Sweatdrop) skeleton that ive recently finished. Complete with sound effects and it is in fact a brand new model, texture and animation set created from scratch. Took around 26+ hours to finish.

So far it has two different attack sets for two different skeletons. One consists of mostly swings and cutting motions, while the other is completely thrust based. Each type has its own 'quick attack' for when you get too close, either a hilt smash or a knee.

[Image: skelewalks.jpg]

[Image: skhelm.jpg]

[Image: skellyj.jpg]

[Image: skulls.jpg]

Moving on... To items...

If you recall I posted about the leather armour set I was making in the last news thread. Ive essentially finished it, so here it is!

[Image: armourb.jpg]

Thats just one set that I finished recently. Ive been making chainmail too, which will be available to those who have earnt it.
[Image: mailcopper.jpg]
Copper chainmail? Hmm, well its affordable but will break easier.

Onto helmets, ive started sizing everything to fit properly in the game, so that means re importing everything into SOM and improving things as I go along.
[Image: helmud.jpg]

Finally ive created about 7 new BGMs, the most impacting of which would be the one for Cragothar village, which has changed dramatically.
Not forgetting the 'secret' I always leave out in most updates, things that remain hidden that will prove to be nasty surprises...

[Image: cavesd.jpg]

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  I need a custom door proof of concept
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2013-04-10, 12:00 PM - Forum: Resources Wanted/Available - Replies (16)

Platform: Sword of Moonlight, what else?

Just kidding. Seriously, I want a door from scratch. You'll need x2mdl, cpgen, and probably that Somimp thing to see where the CPs are in the door models. If you don't know what these tools are, read no further.

I know people are making games with custom pieces, and you can't very well make games without doors. So sooner or later one of you guys will need to figure this out either way.

But here is why I need it. Actually I don't need the door. I need to know how the doors work...

Long story short, we (inc. Verdite) were working on adding ladders to SOM. The ladder model had a problem, in that you could activate its event from no less than 5 meters away. Verdite figure out that was because the distance was based on the height of the object. I worked out it was 1.75 plus half the height. So tall skinny things were totally out.

I'd been meaning to work on localizing the activation of things so that climbing would not feel so different from activation (SOM lets you activate things from ~2 meters away, which is like if you had tentacles instead of arms)

I sunk a lot of work into this. Its one of the biggest projects I've ever done for SOM. Clearly it may as well had been a bug. But it turned out that it actually was a bug. What happens is the height is used where the depth should be used instead.

It's a bug you could fix by hexediting one byte of the game program files, but I don't want to encourage that. PM me if you want it.

For events, SOM actually bases activation on the box dimensions; edited: rotation along height only I think. But for doors and things, everything is treated as a cylinder. And not in a clever way. Because I did run into trouble with the tombstones, because they are rectangular, where the radius was not reaching the front and back when activating with a more modest distance than 2 meters.

So I got the clever idea of routing everything through the event subroutine. This worked well for now, since I am sick of working on this (its been like a week) and really don't feel like programming everything from scratch as good as it could be. Even though that will probably be done eventually.

So now tombstones work well. But there is a remaining problem in that many doors will only easily open from one side. So I am not routing the doors. I will probably just replicate what SOM does for the time being.

The reason this seems to happen is many doors are not centered in the PRF shape. I would not be surprised if none of them are. If only so when you add them to SOM_MAP they will fit snugly into the doorways without adjustments.

At first I thought doors used the cylinder shape. But only the double doors seem to do that. The others seem to use boxes. I don't know why, but boxes would be ideal. If that was they were centered; edited: and actually used. I thought because they were using cylinders for activation that the many control points in the door MDO files were being used for clipping. But I think I've noticed when pushing into the doors that some seem to have a cylindrical shape, so that you can get closer on the edges than you can in the middle.

Anyway, finally. There seems to be at least 3 kinds of doors. B, D, and E. I can't think why any of them would be necessary, other than maybe 2 kinds to mark a door as see through. I would not be surprised if the opening and closing clipping is built into SOM based on the door types and dimensions and maybe the shape too. Only because I can't think of reasons to have more than one kind. The 82nd byte of the PRF file has B, D, or E. Never seen a C. A is lamps. The next highest thing is 14.

Regardless, its not possible to activate doors in the best way possible without knowing their true shape.

PS: I noticed today a stone door that seems to slide sideways. It was in the database at \<span> site blocked, contact your administrator. It's probably a set that is not where its supposed to be. Probably because it was decided not to include it in the final product. May have been a test door. Anyway, that could be C. Or at least, its a new kind of door. Here (\<span> site blocked, contact your administrator/wp-admin/admin.php?page=database&home=pc&view=/obstacles/doors/%E6%A8%AA%E9%96%8B%E3%81%8D%E6%89%89%E2%91%A0%EF%BC%88%E7%9F%B3%E8%A3%BD%EF%BC%89&file=/data/obj/prof/0346.prf) it is. It seems to be in the right place, but I've never noticed it before when making maps.

EDITED: There are actually two sets of 3d coordinates for everything in the MPX data. Probably there is only one in the MPX files. I wondered why this was. Now I suspect that there is probably a CP based center point stored in the odd set. Probably for doors alone. Its just a guess, because I can't see things working as well as they do any other way. I think that may be what makes the event activation subroutine different, if so. If I determine this to be the case, I'll probably just change the event activation subroutine to use the CP as center. If there was a bug in the box dimensions I'd not be surprised if there is another bug of this kind in play.

I won't hazard to guess that the MPX data is the same for objects, NPCs, and enemies, but for NPCs (and enemies) it would make sense if the extra set was a spawn point.

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  Technical Difficulties
Posted by: Hguols - 2013-04-08, 03:14 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)


This forum isn't working on Tapatalk for some reason. ‎  I wonder if they changed the plugins? ‎  I don't think its my phone/app because everything else is working fine for me....

Could I get a fix please?

Thank you,

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  Numerical limits for maps?
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2013-04-04, 08:10 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (4)

Can I get a confirmation that there are allowed to be 256 of each kind of thing on a map?

I am guessing this just staring at some code in SOM's program right now. BTW: If you know of other limits that you wouldn't figure out until you run into them this would be a good time to list them 1zhelp

EDITED: Actually, it turns out I'd got two addresses mixed up, so I was looking at items, so the 256 may refer to the game wide total. Still I've always wanted to know about the map limits, and others may benefit from a heads up. I know its been mentioned before at least on some counts.

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  Any hidden doors
Posted by: Ranstaden - 2013-03-30, 08:38 PM - Forum: Dark Destiny - Replies (9)

I got a new joystick and started playing Dark Destiny, really like it so far.

So I don't run around checking for hidden doors unnecessarily are there any hidden doors in Dark Destiny?
Also, are there any item descriptions available in game? If not is there a web page explaining what all the items are for?


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  Damage calculator
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2013-03-28, 08:10 PM - Forum: SOM Addons - Replies (62)

I know there was a damage calculator spreadsheet around here somewhere. I was hoping someone could repost it and explain the damage formulas since I probably won't be able to open the spreadsheet up Smash2

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  Sword of Moonlight Availible Resources
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2013-03-28, 12:27 AM - Forum: Resources Wanted/Available - Replies (2)

Since this new forum section overlaps with an already existing one, be sure to check HERE if you are looking for available Sword of Moonlight resources.

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  Posting Guidelines
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2013-03-28, 12:11 AM - Forum: Team Members Wanted/Available - No Replies

Working with a team to complete a game can make it much easier to succeed and have fun. ‎  It would be good to include information such as the following in your posts in this section:

What type of help you want or have example: I'm looking for a team member to create models, maps, script events etc.
Game Engine example: Sword of Moonlight, Unity, XNA
What type of game(s) example: First-person RPG, adventure etc
The game's completion state example: Unstarted, 50% etc
Other team members and their skills example: User 1 (Model maker), User 2 (Model animator), User 3 (Map Builder) etc


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