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FBTW & Mytrosia goodies available |
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2013-06-24, 05:03 PM - Forum: Mytrosia & Fallen By The Way
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Hey SoM modderlers I am releasing a bunch of goodies that I made for these projects.... I hope to start on these in the next year or so heh, but all my stuff is open to this community so I wish to add what I salvaged to the addons so real newbies can start a pretty attractive game with stock stuff:-) hope you all enjoy.... ML
PS I will still be using some of these mostly some items , cant wait to see what others do with them----Happy moddeling-........... ML
need help from Holy Diver and verdite plz |
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2013-06-22, 03:53 AM - Forum: SQS Ultra
- Replies (5)
hey guys, I would like a little bit of help from you guys if I could. I never really got the SOMex to work last time.... But I want to really give the extension a real test, and I want to play the Rathmore for one, and two some of the features I read about look real good. Like the Jump feature, I would love to use it for the last two worlds in SSQ.
So Holy Diver, I have an winXP pro Sp3 set up... I installed the dx9 package from your link. (Thank you by the way),
I downloaded the latest SOMex DLL version 1.7 I think. It's one my desktop. now please forgive me sir, but what exactly do I do with the DLL.is there any other type of setup package to install the EX features, I never seemed to get it working before. I know that you're very busy guy but could you give me a walkthrough on how to setup the EX program. if you are too busy or don't feel like writing a walkthrough, then it's no problem for Ben to give me a walkthrough. He said that he would do it after all, I just wanted the walk through from you since you are the author of the extensions. I hope you don't mind.
the only other information that I might be able to give that is useful, is that I downloaded Rathmore and I understand that that is preinstalled with your extensions. I even notice that there was an EX folder, the version of the SOMex DLL
was 1.5. anyway I copied the folders to my desktop, then I tried to run the game. It seems to open up in a window, it acts like it wants to run and then the program force closes. Any suggestions fellows? Thank you for your time in advance I hope that you're able to help me get your extensions to run correctly I'm very excited about using them :-) Thank you so much...............................ML
How is SOM different (or not different) from what people do with PC games (mods) |
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2013-06-22, 12:53 AM - Forum: General Theory Discussions
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There was no room for a question mark in the subject.
I get some very different impressions from people talking about "mods" and I wonder what they are. Could any game with mod tools be called a game development platform? Are mods somehow illegitimate? What makes something a mod and not a game?
Obviously not all games are super mod friendly. And probably mod enthusiasts circumvent official tools provided by developers.
There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for modding games. I wonder if it detracts from what could be a vibrant scene of DIY game makers. Or if there is no real distinction to be made there. Maybe at the end of the day the only stigma for modders is their attachment to a commercial product with a limited window for support. At least until it is made opensource (which has happened with a number of games, Id always releases its sources.)
Disclaimer: I pose the question because its something I know nothing about. It's probably been ~20yrs since I've messed with anything that looks like modding. Which is probably the last time I really played a PC game for that matter. GoG.com has been having a sell this week. I've purchased a few games, Deus Ex, Witcher 2, and ArmaII (DayZ) with the intention of getting around to playing them. The Witcher team seems like a good group. When the game was on sell for less than 10$ I thought I'd get it just because their press is so good. I think their mod tools are almost a free development platform to boot.
Just yesterday (the next day) this (https://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/vi...cher-2-Mod) came out. It seems like an awfully varied list of features for a "mod". I'd characterize that as a remix. And DayZ is just one big mod. I assume my computers can play these games, but I guess I'll find out sooner or later. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up buying a new computer before I can make time in my schedule to try to play these. Deus Ex recently got a fan expansion too, and I think there are mods to pretty up its graphics. Probably the same way Ex cleans up SOM's.
Want to give away a few things ... |
Posted by: Guyra - 2013-06-21, 11:52 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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So, I've got a few items some of you might be interested in. I thought I'd give it away for free, though hopefully with help to cover the shipping from Norway. (Would've paid for the shipping costs too, if I hadn't been broke. :p )
The items are as follows:
- Eternal Ring (Japanese release, PS2)
- Shadow Tower (Japanese release, PS1)
- CD jewel case sized strategy guide for Shadow Tower (Japanese)
- Promotional disc for Armoured Core 2, Evergrace, and Eternal Ring in slipcase (Japanese, PS2)
All of these items are in great condition, and I would love for them to go to another collector, and especially a fan of From Software. :)
SQS Ultra Story and plot |
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2013-06-19, 04:54 AM - Forum: SQS Ultra
- Replies (18)
I have began modeling my first map and started working on custom doors for my game today, and I wanted to take a moment to talk about what it is going to be about, since, especially John set my up space for all things SQS, and I thank you sir.
SQS Ultra is going to my fan based re-boot of my first love .... Swordquest.....Yes my friends it all started when I was 7. The year was 1982. Most games at the time were two to three level button mashers that score was the goal. Then came the Swordquest Saga.. It was a game of action and logic, where as the goal was find clues buried within the accomplied comics by DC Comics. Brilliant for the time. the clues were entries for the Swordquest contest, in whitch you won the actual items you were questing in the game.... Love at first bleep.... Any self respecting gaming nerd knows the history of swordquest..... 2 prizes were awarded, Water World came out during the start of the 84 game crash. Atari cancelled the "Crown of light" contest, Air world never got built out of proto-type, and the last two prizes , including the ultimate prize.... were built but are still missing , as the, then ceo of atari had them at the time of the crash......has been photograph 2 years prior to his death with the sword. But has since died, and no Philosiphers stone, or the Sword of Ultimate Sorcery" has been recovered as of yet.... Incidently The sword cost 50 K to make in 82' and is valued at 100 times that now as there was only one crafted..... Kinda like a hanso sword in real life, but for nerds
Swordquest gave me love of all fantasy based games from then on, from final fantasy on the NES, to everyones favorite Kings field..... The story in the comics was early 80's but fairly good. The game it's self inspired many game writers and other authors... For instance JK rowling has admitted to being a huge Swordquest fan as a child, and was so bummed that Airworld never came out , that she used the same illusive item as the Item to be sought in her first novel. We all know how well that turned out.... The games like many other Atari 2600 games, Swordquest has long been in the realm of open source, so a reboot is possible. However the comics Were produced by DC Comics... And upon contacting them months ago when I first decided to use SoM to make the Saga, they stated they "MIGHT" do an anniversary edition in the future, so I can NOT use the TM name Swordquest, and I must alter the spelling of key character names, and I can use images from the comics as long as they are altered and have the text boxes removed. I can do that, hell I was amazed someone actully contacted me about it.
Hence that is why my game is called SQS Ultra (Sword Quest Saga) the Twins Torr and Tarra are now Tor and Tara Ect.
Another deciding factor in making this game is that I can finish the story MY way.....As Airworld was never completed. The room structure is there and the plot for the game is solid, but I can finish it the way I have always dreamed of..... I have had over 30 years to think of an ending, I got a good one in mind.... And this time the WORLD WILL GET AIRWORLD...... And that my friends is why I decided to reboot Swordquest, now known as SQS Ultra.........
And before I go I will tell briefly about my plan to complete. Unlike my other attempts I will going simple but with decent visuals... To not get overwhelmed like last time, I am splitting the Worlds into 4 SoM projects... I made all the projects at once...All have color coded folders, and am building one level per world at a time, So I can progress Equally with all four parts, and to cut production time down. Since I have so much done already with my other works, building will go much faster..... And how the game will progress will be simular to the Atari games All four projsects will be on one disk not 4 seperate games....you will progress to fireworld by making and fighting your way through the Zodiac chambers finding Word clues,,, At the end of of Earth world once you have the clues, Those will be the password to Unlock the Fireworld Game and so on....... Hope that makes sence, it does to me anyways........... For all of you who took the time to read this and take interst in my work Thank you and I hope you like the game when it is released. More to come soon...............................ML
Madison LaStrega is back in the house...... |
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2013-06-17, 01:58 AM - Forum: Team Members Wanted/Available
- Replies (2)
as everyone here knows I'm pretty good at making models I'm also pretty good at converting them to the sword of moonlight format. So since I'm going to be making another attempt at building a complete SoM game, I figured I would offer my services to anybody else it is working on a current title. I would also like to say I was very honored when some of my trees were used in the kings of field. So anyone that need some artwork or a nice model done either low poly or high poly, I'm your guy. Plus working on a good new model always is a good break from the usual grind of creating maps and levels.
For anyone who doesn't, know my skill, I am proficient in auto desk Maya, blender, and 3dxmax.
I build in maya then convert to X in meta, to drop poly or dumb down model or remove non visable sides, then I hand texture them, then convert to SoM. I even got props once from Holy Diver once, anyone who knows him knows, that ain't easy :-) Happy modeling. ML