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Legend of Grimrock like King's Field? |
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2012-04-08, 07:42 AM - Forum: Game Chat
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Came across this game today and it looks pleasantly similar to the King's Field series. I always felt like KF had a rare balance of story/exploration/puzzle along with combat. A lot of action games these days just seem to focus on button-mashing combat. Legend of Grimrock sounds like it might be close in spirit to KF.
There's a slight discount for pre-ordering if anyone wants to check it out:
Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts |
Posted by: Black Hood - 2012-03-20, 01:19 AM - Forum: Game Chat
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Hey folks, I just finished playing through the translated Shadow Tower Abyss, which was great. Thanks again to the translators. I started a new game + but I think I'll take a break before continuing.
Anyway, in my searching around the Internet I came across a list of "games like King's Field" in a thread on an Agetec forum. One of the ones I hadn't heard of was Hungry Ghosts, which was only released in Japan, no English translation. Coincidentally, Hardcoregaming101 has a recent review of it: https://hg101.kontek.net/hungryghosts/hungryghosts.htm
I just ordered a used copy from Amazon, I was lucky enough to find one for under $20 - most of the used copies I saw were closer to $40, and others were in the $100+ range.
I don't know how keen folks are on attempting more translating here, but after seeing the excellent job on Shadow Tower Abyss, I just thought I'd throw this into the ring as it seems like it would be of interest. I'd be happy to create a disc image for translation use once I get my copy.
So I finally got me a PS3... |
Posted by: Guyra - 2012-02-24, 05:35 PM - Forum: Souls Series
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Got me a 320GB Slim PS3 quite cheap due to it being a floor model, so I've finally been able to play Demon's Souls! Been playing as a knight, and I've taken down Phalanx and Tower Knight, plus the red dragon, in addition to exploring the other areas a little. So far I very much love the game, and I often get the same feeling that I get when playing the KF games, despite DS being without a doubt its own game.
I'm going to start over though, because I made a lot of mistakes at the start. Like using a bunch of soul items just to go and get myself killed, and such. Not good. ;)
Skyrim, custom weapons |
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2012-02-22, 08:35 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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OK, so I recently saw a video of putting custom models into skyrim (which im currently still playing and enjoying)...so the first thing I did was help someone put a custom object from fortresscraft into it, but I got to thinking, i really need to be wielding the sword of moonlight if im to continue playing skyrim.
So i plan on getting the item in the game soon - and if im correct you can actually trade the items with people somehow, so when I get working, if any of you PC skyrimmers out there want the sword, let me know:D
From Software games including the mysterious Sword of Moonlight |
Posted by: 8bitninja - 2012-02-15, 10:14 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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I'm planing a little video series on the King's Field games and Moonlight Sword in particular and I was think you might help me out a bit with information on which games include this moonlit sword. I already know about the sword showing up in these games:
- King's Field series (all of them)
- Demon's Souls
- Dark Souls
- Armored Core series (as a blade weapon)
- Evergrace (by beating Dark Darius)
- Ninja Blade (by upgrading the heavy blade to the max)
- 3D Dot Game Heroes (oh yes!)
- Enchanted Arms (Raiga's best weapon)
- Forever Kingdom (Great lightning-based sword)
- Otogi 1 & 2 (Very useful!)
So, do you know any more games including the sexy sword of ours? Shadow Tower and Shadow Tower Abyss? How about Eternal Ring? Please let me know.
The Field of Kings JOURNAL |
Posted by: Hguols - 2012-01-18, 05:33 AM - Forum: The Field of Kings
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Ok, so maybe there are a few people here that are aware that I was making a 3rd SoM game. Yes no?
Anyway, that has sort of fizzled out at least for the time being.
I should have said something sooner, but I have new personal programs that I use regularly, and those new programs require the latest of graphics drivers. For some odd reason, the latest graphics driver for the Intel G41 Express Chipset (cutting edge of graphics display I know) is not compatible with Sword of Moonlight. Not only can I not see map pieces to place them in the map editor, but I can't see where to place objects in the piece setup....
....so for the time being, that project is on a hold until further notice.
However, as some of you may have seen in a recent post, (yes no?) I have taken a particular interest in handheld gaming creation. Since converting the SoM program and/or games seems to be rather difficult, that's not a path I'm interested in taking, considering my coding skills are quite limited. (though I will jump on the nearest chance if creating Diadem of Maunstraut or Trismegistus becomes a handheld reality)
The playing field has changed for me as of tonight.
I've stumbled upon a freeware program that has the ability to create point and click type games for the PSP.
After viewing a few demos, (and the program is extremely easy to use) I think I could pull off a King's Field Additional type game of sorts. The good news is, is that I could basically take screenshots of what I've already created in this potential 3rd SoM game. It would be tedious, but it wouldn't be too difficult for me. Luckily the map preview works, and the map pieces have their own squares.
Since SoM objects, I could use whatever I pasted over the image. This is point and click by the way. I think the ability to use animated GIFs is an option as well, but I'd have to research the actual adventure maker program before I commit to too much. I don't know if I would be able to create menus, stats or even random encounters.
As recycled as it may sound, I was actually planning on grabbing all the King's Field monster images Martin has over on his site, and using them. Since the Additional series has motionless creatures, I'm not too bothered doing the same. I think working out a character swipes and monster swipes would be sufficient animations I could get by with.
Worse case scenario, I believe I could get away with a puzzle type game that would look similar to the Additional games.
Currently though, I'm working on the 2nd Ankou Awaits album, so I probably won't devote much time to the game until the music for that album is done. (unless I get a wild hair up my ass which might very well happen) I'm 3 songs in, working on the 4th, so.... a few more weeks I could be done with it though.
My mind has been flooding with ideas since I found this program. Its probably just a matter of following through and seeing what I can do. I might do a little test tonight to see what I can come up with...
Moving games to an online backup service |
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2012-01-18, 05:00 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (1)
I am contemplating setting up an account for file storage for the games and files that are currently (and will be) hosted on this site's server. I have had many complaints that downloading from som.com is riddled with speed issues and failed attempts.
I know google offers a service for direct public links as well as drop box. At this point I believe they both have somewhat limited storage capacity however you can upgrade to a pro account for $ that should do what we need.
Any thoughts on whether this would be a good idea? I have used dropbox with nothing but success in the past.
let me know if you have any alternatives...and I am not interested in any service like megaupload or fileshare.com where they bombard the users with spam and pop up windows.