I've heard it said that SoM's Objects respond to light differently than map Pieces, so its hard to make secret doors etc, but I think the problem might be in the texture material's settings.
In Metasequoia's "Material Properties" there are some sliders:
Alpha = Sets how see-through the part is.
Diffuse= Sets how much light the part will reflect from lamps.
Emission= Sets how much light is "emitted" from the part (also makes item see-through in SoM)
Specular= unused in SoM
Power= Unused in SoM
Ambient = Unused in SoM (instead SoM uses the "Basic Lighting" setting in the Map Editor for this effect)
Metasequoia's default for Diffuse is 0.8 whereas SoM's map Pieces use 1.0 so if you don't change this in Meta, your Objects will reflect less light than SoM's. I made an example "hidden wall" Object to show the effect (I didn't bother aligning the texture perfectly on the Object- just an example).
We all use metasequioa because we know it has an export as x file in the save as.
You'l see SoM's tools as x2mdo, x2msm, and x2mhm. The tool x2mdo is simple - probably the easiest to work with.
I'll go through the process for adding custom weapons first. Its lengthy, so pay attention.
Ill do this process with metaseq. Download LE if you want the free x exporter. The textures you made for you're model have to be 256x256 dimensions, and they need to be in you're metasequioa texture folder, and saved as a .bmp file. (windows bitmap.)
Make sure in metaseq you have selected the texture from the metasequioa texture folder, located in the install area.
Now for the kicker. Each time you export a model to this folder, you need the texture files in there, as they need be converted to a txr file. So make sure EVERY texture in you're model that you're converting goes there, or else the texture will not show.
Okay, next create you're model and save it as an x file in you're tools folder, with only four characters lets call you're first model swd1. As i mentioned, Metaseq has a x file exporter, Metaseq LE has it for free. So its saved in you're tools folder? Grand.
Next click on the "Search programs and files" in you're windows start menu. Type in cmd, hit enter.
Command prompt should be up. Type in cd\tools (assuming you installed it in the location i afore mentioned.)
Now type x2mdo.exe swd1.x
If you followed the process, you'l have no errors.
If you get a "texture could not be read" error, you have not selected the texture from the metasequioa folder properly.
So thats you're basic model. You'l also need the swing model. A weapon needs 2 parts, base model and swing model.
See attached to this post a download for the perfect swing model and size, you'l need it.
So once you have aligned you're weapon with my swing model (rotate, scale, move, etc.) you can save it, but pay heed as you will need to change the file name.
Each swing model needs to correspond to the standing model. So in this case you'l save it as swd1_0 (that is 0 as in the number.)
Again type cmd if you closed the window, if not type in x2mdo.exe swd1_0.x
You'l have the swing model.
Now then! Take these pieces, and place them into you're SoM/items/model folder. Make sure every texture is in there too.
You'l now need a hex editor. I use this. https://www.swordofmoonlight.com/SOMTool.../xvi32.zip
Okay open up you're hex editor. Go to open. Now locate you're SoM install location. Go to items, then prof.
Locate 003.prf and open it.
Now, click on the L of the Long Sword. Rename it. Use Tool Sword as i have wrote for this first time.
Now click on the i of i003.mdo rename it to swd1.mdo
Follow this last part carefully.
Go to file. Save as. type in swd1.prf and save.
Do not forget the .prf at the end of the file you are saving as or it wont work.
Now go to parameter editor in SoM and look up Weapon: Tool Sword
Adjust the damage accordingly!
Some pointers.
If you are creating a longsword, dont extend the length past my swing model for the swing model.
Other items, such as helmets, armour, etc do not need the extra _0 file.
Here is the table of .prf for other pieces you may need.
(Taken from dmp design's tutorial)
035.prf : Head slot item.
044.prf : Body slot item.
060.prf : Arm slot item (more details on gloves in the weapon/glove section).
068.prf : Leg slot item.
080.prf : Shield slot item.
092.prf : Accessory slot item.
While playing Verdite's demo (woo hoo I found the Skellthern armor and a healing fountain/potty-place ), I saw that had overlooked the red slime when I fixed the see-through holes in Enemy textures. Attached is the hole-less slime file if anyone wants it.
I've heard some people wishing treasure chests would stay open so you can tell which ones you've already checked, and also some people have mentioned wishing Items stored in a chest could be seen before they're picked up.
Attached are some new chest Objects which stay open and act as switches so they can be used to trigger events. But they don't hold an Item like a standard chest. You can still put an Item in them using an event, but they can't be locked. I'm not sure they're worth setting up for widespread use, but it's a nice option to have.
Updated 08/07/13
While the demo is completely out of scope for the final version of Rathmor, it is available again for those who want to enjoy it.
Over a year has passed, and a game i am pleased with has finally materialised into a demo.
This is a taste of whats to come. While the demo may not reflect exactly what i intend to achieve, it does in a round-about way.
I hope you enjoy it!
NEW UPDATE 6/5/2011
Two new maps added, with new enemies and treasure.
New music.
LOADS of new dialogue to read from npcs, monsters, items, objects.
New treasure areas, more balanced items available.
Complete overhaul of the caves - explore a new area.
Map of the caves. (updated 6/5/11.)
New custom enemy - Hiding in a secret room! Can you find him?
Many hours of re-balancing and bug fixing. New sword event!!
New never seen before items, armour and treasure.
A basic magic ward setup, and new way of attaining magic. (This is implemented only slightly in the demo.)
Five maps, each completely new and different to any game - All buildings, landscapes, everything built by myself, nothing is original SoM Stock.
Two new enemies. (one appears on behalf of Hwtvlf)
New textures on enemies and npcs.
Music composed and created by myself.
Art created by myself.
Rathmor Lore. (Use the Truth wand!)
A General interestingly different Medieval atmos!
There are a good two+ hours worth of playing time for the average player. Treasure hunters would probably spend up to 7+ hours.
Please, take time to view the readme if you dont know whats what. Actually, better to view it anyway.
And i'd love to hear from anyone about this demo, you can find an email address to contact me in the readme.
Please post any bugs here / email.
You will need Microsoft Excel (XLS) to use this or one of the freeware XLS viewers available. HERE is the link to Microsofts free Excel viewer.
Enter your player's stats at top, and then a use on box below for each enemy in your game. The important info will "Hits to Kill" info on the left (red arrow in picture).
UPDATED to v1.2 (Attached). This update fixes a bug that was ignoring the "Enemy HP" field for all the enemy charts except the first.