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  Rathmor Screenshots
Posted by: Verdite - 2011-01-25, 07:30 PM - Forum: Moratheia - Replies (9)

New screenshots will be posted in this section.

[Image: swampy.jpg]

[Image: furycv.jpg]

[Image: kranthhelm.jpg]

[Image: skellthernaxe.jpg]

[Image: spiderfellj.jpg]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Looks like a ton of posts from the last couple days disappeared
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2011-01-23, 02:07 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

I'm not seriously up to taking on the responsibility, but this would not have happened were I managing the forum on a better server :sick[1]:

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  Did you know Som has a loading screen?
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2011-01-22, 04:02 PM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - No Replies

Just saying the King's Field 1 game has a loading screen. I'd not heard of this before.

There is a loading.bmp file in the pictures folder. I can't see it referenced anywhere in the system editor, so I assume either the file is recognized automatically or it is in the events for each map. Which would mean apparently at least one of the events fires before the map starts loading.

PS: Someone should cut the KF1 opening movie off when it's at peak white so it will transition seamlessly into the white fadeout on game start... so it actually feels like the teleport in from the original games. I'd like to start a KF1 project organization thread or something so we can brainstorm / pitch in to making KF1 a little better. Think about it... Som KF1 can be a rebirth of the entire King's Field series if you want it bad enough.

Personally I'd like to talk about ways to make it more faithful to the original, and more challenging. It's too easy to just dance past all the monsters. That's a prob with Som in general which I wonder if Ex could do something to alleviate.

EDITED: Somehow the loading screen seems to be suppressed when you first start the game. I guess if it's in an event there'd be a counter that bypasses the first load. I deleted the sample folder with the maps when setting up King's Field here lately. I'll have to get them back off my disembodied harddrive to find out for sure.

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Posted by: Midknightsky - 2011-01-22, 05:47 AM - Forum: Dark Destiny - Replies (36)

Doh I've playing on DD for, well, I don't want to say "i'm stuck". I'm a huge kings fan! and was beyond ecstatic that I found DD. However i'm lost. way lost. i've been aimlessly wondering around the last two weeks (when i get time I've got 3 kids and a job) I'm sooooo stuck. I've got the aquarian boots but i've been unable to locate the Path I've located the area where there's writing on the wall that says "with out the boots etc.." . I've been endlessly looking for harvine's flute but to no avail. I don't know if anyone comes here anymore but if they do I seriously need help i really want to beat this and with my limited play time it's starting to become very frustrating. Crying I'm not looking for a total walk through just a couple of hints. super appreciate it! Dazed ‎ 

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  DirectSound acceleration
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2011-01-17, 12:07 PM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - No Replies

I have a USB sound card going into my stereo system on my XP machine. The sound effects in Som would make a lot of clicking around the beginning and end of each clip.

I have a nice HD surround sound output on the box (it's designed for home entertainment) but the USB is an FM transmitter so I can have music pumped into stereos around the house. Otherwise the USB card is pretty cheap... especially for mixing purposes. I wish windows would clone the output so I could use both outs, like a cloned dual head display, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

Anyway at first I tried using Ex to control the sound device used. Software was not offered as a device, the way it was for graphics in Som day. Ex can let you select a different device if you want, if you have more than one. Something I may do in my case.

But I found under XP in dxdiag you can disable acceleration for your sound cards. This did the trick. As I understand it DirectSound under Vista and 7 no longer use hardware acceleration at all, so there is no such option. And if you have a nice sound card I guess you're not getting any performance benefit from DirectSound games. Apparently game makers have to use OpenAL and other libraries to support hardware accelerated sound now Rolleyes

I also did everything to try to force the sound to software from inside Ex. Near as I can tell this had no effect. You'd think forcing everything to software would be the same as disabling acceleration, but it's not... and probably is ignored/unreliable from my results anyway. This would be understandable if the card had to do everything in either accelerated or unaccelerated mode. But I found I could turn off acceleration and start up a program, then turn it back on, and it would not affect that program. Meaning it could probably be tailored on a per program basis, but that doesn't appear to be an option. There is no way to change "acceleration" programmatically it seems.

Anyway my Taskmanager says I have four CPUs (two must be hyperthreading) so having one of them for fulltime unaccelerated audio is probably not a problem. I'm pretty sure they burn as much power whether they're used or not.

Anyway, for XP users, might as well suggest disabling DirectSound acceleration when discussing DirectDraw/3D acceleration. Turning off sound acceleration anyway is pretty harmless.

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  Here is a new bug!!
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2011-01-16, 05:59 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I've found some memory which changes whenever you change equipment. I'm not sure what the changes precisely mean yet. But one thing I've observed so far is if you equip item you are already wearing you end up with the stats of the last item in the list in that item slot Doh

UPDATE: It may be a little more complicated than this, but anyway it seems to affect the affinity stats, and when you reequip the same weapon it bounces between two different sets of numbers. If you unequip it becomes zero.

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  Som_db.exe versions (if any) man I'm confused...
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2011-01-15, 01:09 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

I definitely have records of two different versions of som_db.exe...

case 'rt#2': //574cc-57000/rdata=4cc (595f4-59000/data=5f4)
case 'db#2': //5835c-58000/rdata=35c
case 'db#1': //5735c/574ec-57000/rdata=35c/4ec (59688-59000/data=688)
case 'rt#1': //5633c/564cc-56000/rdata=33c (585f4-58000/data=5f4)

I remember taking these numbers out of individual .exe files I had on hand.

Right now all my som_db.exe files seem to go to db#1 which is according to my notes not patched.

I've been suspecting for a while my som_db.exe was funny. But anyway, I downloaded all the patches on the patch website (https://www.fromsoftware.jp/main/soft/som_dl.html) and I can't find any som_db.exe files in them.

I'm assuming the extra som_db.exe came from the one available for download on the main site here; update: yes just tested that and it's true. But Ex can't use that one because it's not in Japanese...

I'm pretty sure that's the one I want. But I need the original (untouched) and I can't find that anywhere...

So I'm wondering where you guys found it / where it came from Confused

PS: This is pretty important.

PPS: Ex recognizes which exe is in play based upon the size of the memory sections in the EXE image. They are slightly different in each one. I don't think anything John could've done while messing with the files could have changed these numbers.

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  This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2011-01-12, 11:58 AM - Forum: Trismegistus - Replies (36)

I am uploading/submitting the final Ex 0.9 makeover for Trismegistus download for testing/approval purposes here (\<span> site blocked, contact your administrator/holy/Trismegistus%20Ex_0_9.7z) eta a little less than an hour (now 30mins) if a re-upload is not in order.

Because my main machine is in the tank I've lost all my convenient access codes and such, including the ones for this website's FTP, so that's why the odd address. I chose also to go ahead and use the 7z compression format which I hope everyone is familiar with (the filesize was 20% or better smaller)

I'm assuming if this version is able to make its way to the Trismegistus homepage Todd will probably wanna rifle thru it to make it more acceptable website wise. A little readme might not hurt either. Let's see if we can collect any questions first.

As an added bonus... a final detectable bug I'd not made any inroads with seems to have mysteriously gone away last time I fired up the game. I don't recall changing a damn thing though, so it might come back. Basically under XP with the Windows Classic theme (maybe the XP theme as well) after the intro screens or upon loading the first map the window title in the caption bar would appear to be missing, even though it's still really there, just drawn over with the background colour for no reason. If you would do anything to make it refresh either fully or partially it would. The bug would only happen with Trismegistus. Anyway, if you see anything like that please let me know. Otherwise any obvious problems are new to me and I'd appreciate hearing about whatever you might find.

I've really been pushing myself to my limits to wrap this up. This release is for gaming rigs only more or less. That is I can only recommend playing it if you've Shader Model 2.0 support or better. Also can only endorse flawless behavior in D3D9 mode. I hope to release some patches over the next couple months targeting lower profile configurations. And also intend to setup a patch which should be identical to the current download only with basic amenities like window and mouse support and all possible bug fixes (all except for the lighting fix hopefully)

I also plan on improving the translation file and correcting some stuff to do with the translation hosting webpages. When that is ready you can just download the translation file and drop it into the lang folder where it belongs if you want.

I think if your computer plays Som games well enough this version should probably play well for you also. If not I'd like to hear about your experiences. It may be playing outside of exclusive fullscreen mode (ie. in window mode) might be intrinsically slower. You don't have that option with Som. I think fullscreen mode should work with Ex though I did not test it one last time before rolling this release. I will explain how to put it into true fullscreen mode (by editing the Ex.ini file) at a later time if necessary.

PS: Tomorrow I wanna add a screenshot of the fonts which you can use to let me know if the fonts are working correctly for you or not. I'd like to know anyway. Please try to try the download out asap, thanks 676

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  The Circle of Twelve?
Posted by: Luthius - 2011-01-12, 07:35 AM - Forum: Dark Destiny - Replies (10)

Alright, I seem to be stuck here. I opened the light chamber, then went to that area beyond Kal Fargus's arena where you get the Circle of Twelve, but I can't seem to figure out where to use it. So, where exactly do you have to be to use it?

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  Good download link
Posted by: Verdite - 2011-01-07, 04:17 PM - Forum: Dark Destiny - Replies (1)


From the main page my DL was going to take 6 hours...

This ones 1 hour 30 min.

Just for anyone who is looking for a quicker download.

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