Old demo thread

John, I know there were reworks to placed objects in some of the maps as well as events etc, so definitely not compatible with saves.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Aye sorry John there have been big changes to doors, chests, etc. Besides starting again on this new version will allow ya to visit a completely redone area with new enemies, treasure, save stones etc.

Excellent! I'll have to ask you guys about 'problems' to watch out for when my game gets near release. I'm clueless about things like 'what info is stored in a save'.

Todd could you fire up a link on the demos/main page please?

Yes ben i will do so tomorrow my html stuff is at work.

I got to play for a while tonight..a few things I wanted to note.

#1 I find it awesome that there is a bed where someone is being farted on by another bed that reads dufore sleeps there, I am proud of that :P

OK...now for the other things, critiques i suppose.

- A few more landmarks would really help, your opening area is just enormous and with the very limited view its quite difficult not to get lost or figure out where youve been. ‎  Perhaps some slight different map sets for different areas of the underground in a few places might help set it apart from the other hallways.

- Increasing the view distance just a notch or two I think would greatly help me from getting totally lost all the time.

- I cant figure out how the map is helpful just yet :) ‎  I try and try to figure out what the heck its showing me but I can't make sense of it compared to the layout. ‎  Also, are you aware the map feature shows your 'dot' on the space on the map where you are supposed to be, I am assuming the map you are using does not support that feature, you could use show bitmap option instead so it doesnt try to use the built in SOM dot marks your spot feature.

- light sources. ‎  I think there could be a few areas that have some lighting, it doesnt necessarily need to be in a visible object but it may enhance some of the areas and make them stand apart from the rest.

-the reappearing dinos - was this intentional? ‎  i farmed them for a very long time and got alot of crabs and ore etc relatively easily.

-I still have not yet found the exit from this area, i found the armor and i thought for a moment i was close to the old entrance from your first demo but ill be damned if i can find an exit!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Pleased to hear these critiques!

Getcho ass outta there boy! With the map, return to the starting point (where the boat is) and follow this (attached picture) route out of there. I feel like a clown for not updating the map, i thought it was roughly right. Oh dear.

Alright, distance will be upped.

Yeah the dino soldiers were meant to reappear, i didnt expect people to farm so much in the demo! ‎  Biggrin

Actually the exit is prescisely where it was last time, just the layout clearly makes one lost.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Alrighty I got out! ‎  Thanks for the help.

I got back to the town, like the new music and the additional objects, though Im missing alot of your custom enemy/npc textures for some reason, they are showing up as the originals.

also i completed everything there i could find and went to the gatehouse and the game crashes as soon as i warp into the forest area...any idea why?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I'll do a quick fix next week in the form of a patch that'l be save compatible. I was convinced that the forest was fixed..... Weird.

Tom had that crash when warping to a new map caused from having Items placed in a certain manner. I wonder if it's the same thing in the forest. Basically, if you use the same model for two different Items and place them on a map, SoM will crash when the player leaves the map (warps) unless the player picked them up (aka they're not on the map anymore).


The thing is though it only occurs when ive created the runtime. Test map is fine.

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