PRF Editor v1.6

Absolutely! That's exactly what the hit timings are for. ‎  An enemy can deal damage to the player up to 3 times per attack animation.

You don't have to set the hit to the middle (ie 70 out of 140). Load Guardian (3) Purple (e025) and you'll see his Direct Attack #3 has three hits at 17, 27, 37 which correspond to thrusts with his spear in the animation. Also note that the sound effects time at 16,26,36 to correspond to the hits.

It would be really cool to have an enemy swing, and look like he's resting, then follow with a quick shield bash.

That makes alot more sense now. I wasnt sure what the hit timings were for, i thought it might have been for something else.

I notice that the silver golem (prf 0069) has three attacks too. So the 17, 27, 37 you mentioned are attacks within ten frames of each other? Or is it measured by seconds? IIf thats the case i'll have to get the calculator out. ‎  Sweatdrop
While on subject the Golem has a defence break, how is this measured? I'm assuming the 30 is % based.

That guardian looks a bit strange with the tiny long head. Bad head.

[Image: white-cat-wearing-watermelon-helmet.gif]

lol! That cat looks like he's about to kill the person who stuck the helmet on him.
The 'hit timing' numbers are just a direct display of what is in the PRF file so I'm not really sure. Might be 100=1 second or 17 = "17th frame"; I'm not sure ‎  Sweatdrop

The "defense break" is also also a direct display of the value in the PRF file and it is not a percentage. ‎  With 30 it seems almost impossible for the player to break the enemy's defense animation even if they inflict great damage on the enemy. 10 seems to mean a small amount of damage will break the enemy's defense. ‎  You can 'break' the living 'Warrior' enemy's defense fairly easy whereas lifeless undead and golems are set to almost never 'break'. ‎ 

If you can figure out exactly what these numbers represent, I should be able to make the PRF Editor convert them into something easier to understand.

I did some testing with the 'defense break' setting and looks like it's a measurement of how much of the enemy's total health the player's attack takes has to take away to 'break enemy defense'.

Basic rule of thumb is:
defense break of 10 = enemy's defense almost always broken.
defense break of 16 = sometimes broken
defense break of 20 = rarely broken

But the effect will vary base on enemy HP/defense and player's attack/attack bar fullness.

FYI, when the enemy defense is 'broken' they don't get the bonus 'add defense' value set in the parameter editor.
Another thing I discovered, enemies don't get the 'add defense' bonus for categories (slash etc) where they have 0 defense. ‎ 

I didnt know this even existed in SoM. It would be excellent to add this to an enemy without the enemy having to defend / recieve the defence bonus, so the player would have to choose weapons wisely in order to 'stun' enemies; as in ause their damage animation to play.

Yet more wisdom from Yoda! ‎  I never knew the % stats on this either!

LOL can we get this kinda stuff on the wiki too?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Anyone know where the menu sound effects are? Movingeyes

The menu sound effects are in the "DATA\SOUND\SE" folder. I think they have high numbers around 1009.snd+
The setting to change menu sounds is in the System Editor/Other of course. ‎  Smile

I made a high res NPC here. Though, im not sure which looks better - the left is 2048 x 2048 and the right is 256x256. Given that most players will focus on the face i am debating which should be in the game. Maybe a 724x724 ...?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

The only place I see a significant difference in the two is in the brownish chain mail parts. I think 512x512 would do nicely. That's what I've been using for my larger models and it seems fine. Smile

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