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  Information on the IF, OTHERWISE, IF (Message Choice) and END IF commands
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2009-12-12, 10:15 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (4)

First off, remember that every 'IF' command has to be ended by an 'END IF' command. An 'IF' command lets you make a condition that must be fulfilled in order to carry out the commands listed in between the 'IF' and its 'END IF'. In the following example, the message and the enemy will only be enacted if Counter00 (named 'PayerHasMoonlightSword' in this example) is set to '1'.:

IF ('Counter00-PayerHasMoonlightSword' =1)
‎  Display Message (Enemy says 'Nice sword. I'll take it off your dead corpse!'
‎  Activate Enemy ('Final Boss')

An 'OTHERWISE' command goes in between an 'IF' and its 'END IF'. The commands listed between the 'OTHERWISE' and 'END IF' will only be enacted if the condition on the 'IF' is NOT met. In the following example, the 'too bad' message will only display if Counter00 does NOT equal '1':

IF ('Counter00-PayerHasMoonlightSword' =1)
‎  Display Message (Enemy says 'Nice sword. I'll take it off your dead corpse!'
‎  Activate Enemy (activate 'Final Boss')
‎  Display Message (Enemy says 'Too bad you don't have a better weapon. I don't fight weaklings.'

An 'IF (Message Choice)' is pretty much the same but it gives the player two on-screen choices. If the first response is chosen, the commands after ?IF (Message Choice)? will happen. If the player makes the second choice, the commands after OTHERWISE will be carried out instead.

IF (Message Choice):('Do you want to set sail?' Choice1='Yes' Choice2='No')
‎  ‎ Warp Player (to ship)
‎  ‎ Display Message ('Ok, let me know when you're ready to leave.') ‎ 

You can also embed an 'IF' command inside another 'IF'. In the following example, if the player answers 'yes', it will trigger the second 'IF' ‎  which will only let him sail if 'Counter01-PlayerStength' is greater than 50.

IF (Message Choice)-('Do you want to set sail?' Choice1='Yes' Choice2='No')
‎  ‎  ‎ IF ('Counter01-PlayerStength' > 50)
‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ Warp Player (to ship)
‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ Display Message ('No, You're not strong enough yet. Come back later')
‎  ‎  ‎ END IF
‎  ‎ Display Message ('Ok, let me know when you're ready to leave.') ‎ 

IF anyone finds this confusing or has more questions, feel free to post. OTHERWISE don't post. . . (ha ha ha! I slay me Tongue )

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  How to auto-repeat sound effects
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2009-12-11, 09:36 PM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (4)

Attached is a project showing one way to repeat a timed sound effect. ‎ 
The 'Trigger Loop' event which is currently set to 'When Examined' can be changed to activate 'If Approached' or such. ‎  Tongue

Here's the breakdown
Event#1 (Event Trigger=[trigger can be anything you want it to be]) [This Event starts up the loop in Event#2]
Control Active Leaf (Target='Event#2' - Move to Leaf01)

Event#2 (Event Trigger=Always On) [This Event actually plays the timed/looped the sound effect]
Change Counter Value (Set 'Counter00-Times Played' to 0)

Play Sound Effect
Alter Counter Value (Raise 'Counter00-Times Played ' by 1)
Begin Timer00
Control Active Leaf (This Event Forward by 1)

IF ('Times Played Counter' =4)
‎  ‎  Control Active Leaf (This Event to Leaf0)[This ends the loop after 4 plays]
‎  ‎  Set Timer Value In Counter (Acquire Value From 'Timer0' & Set its value in 'Counter01-TimePassed')
‎  ‎  ‎ IF ('Counter01-TimePassed' =3)[This waits 3 seconds before replaying the sound]
‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ Control Active Leaf (This Event Move to Leaf01)[This restarts the loop]
‎  ‎  END IF

Attached Files
.zip   Bell Loop Demo.zip (Size: 14.53 KB / Downloads: 193)
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  A bit of a pickle...
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2009-12-09, 09:52 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

Alright, so I got enlightened greatly today by TheSpaceBetween into the true canon history of kings field and the many characters that inhabit the game's universe.

I had up until now, used the knowledge that was readily available in the U.S. releases of the game, by documenting the truth glass history of every objects/npc/enemy and place in the games we had here. ‎  I used that knowledge to the best of my imaginative ability, combined with some stories that were available in several references in the US released strategy guides, martin's kings-field.neocities.org, and some fan made stories to piece together what I thought a solid chunk of lore to add to the series through my game.

It turns out that where ascii's translation wasnt left blank (a ton of it was left blank), it was also misleading.

This puts me in a bind. ‎  I love King's Field, i have spent over a year to make dark destiny adhere to the lore and history of the game so it would provide insight into things not explained in the king's field universe on the US shores. ‎  The game itself tells a very detailed story of many of the key characters in the series...and after my talk today I find that my background information needs major redrafting to be correct with canon information. ‎  pretty much to the point that my game's timeline is broken completely and makes no sense to anyone that reads the original information.

With that said, he thinks he could get me a copy of all the information he has by january...and i could attempt to salvage the game and attempt to make the story make sense, at least mostly.

So my question is this...seeing that my game is more or less done and ready to be played, should i delay it another month and try to make it correct, or make minor adjustments in an attempt to adhere to what we already know from the US KFs and assume that no one will be any the wiser?

I really need good input on what to do here...I am pretty bummed out right now.

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  Major magic table bug...with hex fix
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2009-12-09, 07:58 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (4)

OK, so I am play testing dark destiny yet again...and I notice one of my defensive duration spells isnt working at all.

I check the magic parameters and everything is 0s...though I know for sure I registered them with numbers.

So I try again, and again...and again....shit. ‎  its not working, every time I try to create a defensive spell with a duration it gets reset.

So I look into it a bit...open the magic.prm file and start to piece together what is going on.

For anyone that is planning to create a magical spell that has a duration (whether its curing you, protecting you from poison etc...) you will have to follow the below fix unless John is able to fix this SOM bug via a patch.


Here is the layout of the magic.PRM file:

- There is a single character at the beginning of the magic record that indicates the spell graphic...this is highlighted by a light blue box
- This is followed by a single space then 30 characters reserved for the spell name, this is highlighted by the red box.
- The next character is blank followed by two characters that make up the MP cost.
- Another blank character follows then 1 character to set the recovery speed. ‎  I dont know how SOM defines this number, so just set it in the editor, this parameter is highlighted in yellow.
- Another space follows then a 2-character slot for the HP recovered parameter. ‎  This is highlighted in pink.
-The next 5 spaces are trigger slots for the status recovery. ‎  These will either be 00 for off or 01 for on. ‎  This is highlighted in purple.

OK...all of the above is properly configurable via the editor. ‎  This next section is the part you have to pay attention to to make the spell work.

-after the purple comes 3 blank spaces, modifying these doesnt seem to do anything to the spell. ‎  leave these all as 00
- after the three blank spaces comes the parameter slots for the defensive stats between 00-255. ‎  In the picture I have them set to 255 the max stat. ‎  These are highlighted in orange.
- additionally you must also set the duration via the hex editor. ‎  after the defensive stat comes two more blank spaces...leave these as 00. ‎  The next two spots highlighted in black are the parameter settings for the duration. ‎  The numbers correspond to the 10s and the 2 decimal places. ‎  An easy way to get a valid number for this is to set up a dummy offensive magic and monitor the range number you input. ‎  copy the hex value for that range and it will directly correspond to the duration.
- the rest of the space corresponds to the spell description, and this can be edited via SOM's editor.


Hope this helps, and hope maybe john can find a way to get SOM to do this conversion properly via the editor someday.

Attached Files
.png   magicproblem.png (Size: 12.98 KB / Downloads: 396)
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  Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2009-12-07, 11:52 PM - Forum: SOM Addons - Replies (80)

I made a lava waterfall I call lavafall for FBTW and wanted to share it with all whom would like John's Waterfall with lava texture it works and looks fantastic enjoy, more to come:)

(1) Put blnk.txr into your object MODEL folder (If you have the waterfall you should already have this).
(2) Put lava003.txr and LavaFall00001.mdo into your object MODEL folder.
(3) Put the lavafall.prf in you object PROOF folder.
(4) Be sure to set the lava fall up in the parameter as it will now be an available model.
Default size is 1.0 but can be enlarged just as the waterfall to add a fiery cliff side or a fire cave or such.
Happy Modeling.

Attached Files
.txr   Blnk.txr (Size: 48.02 KB / Downloads: 258)
.txr   lava003.txr (Size: 65.02 KB / Downloads: 265)
.prf   LavaFall.prf (Size: 108 bytes / Downloads: 254)
.mdo   LavaFall00001.mdo (Size: 45.05 KB / Downloads: 260)
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  A newcomer has arrived
Posted by: TheSpaceBetween - 2009-12-06, 03:50 AM - Forum: King's Field Series - Replies (16)

hello everyone :)

weiss pointed me here, and asked that i offer my resources to anyone who request them.
i just turned last weekend, im an animation director for nelvana entertainment and ellipse. and also an old school kingsfield fan. ‎ 

im really greatful places like this exist, we are a happy few and an endangered species unfortunately.
but also fortunately i guess, because we arent a fad. so no annoying young punk types who are in it just to be cool ;P

hope people are doing well, i will do my part to keep this board alive and colorful.
people can contact me anytime! :)

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  A slight "problem" with some of my older music...
Posted by: Hguols - 2009-12-02, 06:18 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (8)

Once upon a time, there was a small little label called Nascent Frost Productions. Its long been dead now, but I was there when this label was getting on its feet. Phil Diaz with an Encryptor album, and me (Tom Eversole) with an Akryal album being the first two death metal releases for this label.

History lesson over, I tried hooking up someone with my old (and only) Akryal release; a 12 minute EP called "Cimmerian Lethargy", but ran into an interesting problem.

The problem isn't that its being sold. That's fine - I've been redirecting Akryal sales for this abandoned project for years. The problem is the price.



Someone recently (today) contacted me about the album, and all I can find is it being sold with a beyond ridiculous price. These two places are the only ones left online that appear to be selling the album.

Why that much?

I thought about contacting the seller (who's using the Akryal name) at those two different places, but what would that really do? Obviously they have the right to sell it at that price - why would someone joke with something like this?
...besides, I have not yet found a way to contact them.

If someone was looking to rip someone off, they'd sell the CD for $50, and not send it. Who in their right mind would PAY or SELL THAT price? If its an attempt to have it "archived" into amazon.com or reystar.com, WHY?

I just don't understand. Normally I would spend several seconds scoffing at the entire circumstance before I move on, but considering I made the music for this solo project, designed the artwork.....

....ok, it feels like I'm an artist, sold two sculptures for $10 each, and I find out they're going for $2,000 in an art show 8 years later. I've got a flood of emotions here - almost to the point of being alexithymia.

Mostly confusion with mixes of regret?, egoism?, paranoia?, happiness?, anger?

If someone would care to offer possible explanations, perhaps even emotional support, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your time,

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  Changing the texture in a MDL file (NPC, Enemy, Animated Object etc) info
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2009-11-30, 03:46 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (23)

This is information on how to change the internal texture in an MDL file. MDL files are used for animated parts such as spells, enemies, NPCs, and some Objects.

Download Tim Viewer (TV) from here:

Copy any MDL file into a separate working folder.

In Tim Viewer go to 'File> Scan Raw file' and browse to the MDL file.

A number '1' should appear in TV's window; double click on the '1' (see black arrow below) and you'll see the texture.

Go to 'File> Save Multiple Files' and type '1' in the dialogue box that pops up (red arrow below). TV will then generate two files where the MDL is: 'timextracts.txt' and '1.tim'.

[Image: MDLTex.png]

In TV go to 'Convert> TIM to BMP' and browse to the where the MDL is and hit OK. TV will then convert '1.tim' to '1.bmp'.

Edit 1.bmp as you like but don't change its size and make sure the new texture bmp ends up usings 16 or 24 bit color.

When you're finished editing, replace '1.bmp' with the new texture bmp and in TV go to 'Convert> BMP to TIM' and browse to the where the MDL is and hit OK.

If your new texture uses 24bit color go to 'File > Open TIM' and open '1.tim'. Then go to 'Convert' and select '24bpp>>16bpp'. Then go to 'File > Save TIM File' and save over 1.TIM

In TV go to 'File>Insert TIM File(s)' and select 'timextracts.txt'.

Overwrite the original MDL file with your new MDL. You're done!

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  CRIPE! Computer Problems!
Posted by: Hguols - 2009-11-30, 02:42 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (21)

Well, I left this PC off for 4 days, (for my wonderful break) and it took a good 35 minutes to get to where it would boot up.

Some of you remember the RAM adventures I had earlier in the year. ‎  (the best part of that was figuring out it WAS the ram. ‎  What fun!) ‎  ....and the symptoms are similar, but not the same.

It almost acts like its a power supply problem... ‎  where I'd hit the power button and it would either:

1) Power light on monitor and PC turns yellow. ‎  The end.
2) CD-ROM drives boot, floppy drive boots, power light on monitor and PC turns yellow. ‎  The end.
3) Boots, during the boot... ‎  screen goes blank. ‎  power light on monitor and PC turns yellow. ‎  The end.
4) Boots, says there's a keyboard error. ‎  Makes it to the login screen. ‎  Can't type. ‎  Reboot-power light on monitor and PC turns yellow. ‎  The end.
5) Boots up, I log in, makes it to the desktop then... ‎  darkness. ‎  Everything is off again. ‎  Power light on monitor and PC turns yellow. ‎  The end.

I did experience one "ram error" type freeze.... ‎  but I swapped RAMs again, tried one ram stick, blew out the PC dust bunnies (which weren't many because I blow them out often), unhooked and re-hooked cords.... ‎ 

It seems a random fluke its working again. ‎  I didn't solve anything because I didn't do anything. ‎  The only things I did were the above "cleaning" and switching out some cords and power strips (switching power supplies around) but none of the above solved the problem. ‎  The PC just booted up this last time.

The caps on my motherboard look fine.
The clock - date/time is correct.

Some hardware specs:
OS is Windows XP SP3
RAM 1024MB
Dell Dimension 4500
2GHz Pentium Processor
Nvidia GeForce 6600GT Video Card

Any ideas, at least from the description(s) I gave? ‎  I'd hate to lose (what's on) this computer, as I have important things to do next year with it. ‎  >_<'

All inputs would be greatly appreciated. ‎ 

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  Finished My First Test Run
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2009-11-27, 03:29 PM - Forum: Dark Destiny - Replies (3)

Finally finished going through the whole game and testing this week while I was out sick.

My final save game has probably 85% of the items, and it took me roughly 9.5 hours (knowing where to go and using the debug speed + save anywhere really helped).

I imagine it will likely take a new player ~15 hours to beat and for someone trying to get everything probably close to 20 hours.

The good news:

-there was no need for any level grinding to progress through the game, so it should be relatively non-stop progression. ‎  This is a big plus in my book. ‎  The end game level should be 29-32 if you play straight through it without grinding. ‎  This is good and is on par with the other king's fields.

-i swapped in many lower poly models for the objects that were causing most of the slowdowns, this appears to have helped the game play on slower machines.

-all in game enemies/weapons/armor and leveling have been balanced to my liking, so that annoying part is finally over.

The bad news:

- I have to rework the opening video, 600mb for that is unacceptable.

- I still have to complete the library map (the collector's area of the game) and it will be a pain in the arse.

- I still need an ending vid.

- Some cleanup is still needed on the in game text boxes, there are misaligned sentences galore.

But thats it, give me a week or so and I should hopefully have this thing ready for its beta release.

Tom, Im going to skip having you test it, I think I have debugged it pretty well, and if not, I can always patch it.

John, I need to pick your brain about some things I need to finish up, I will email you with some stuff I have on my mind.

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