Old demo thread


Beautiful. Thankyou very much! ‎  Rainbow

'He is living peacfully as a farmer' - A job description to avoid if I ever heard one. Trouble is on the horizon.

aww poor farmers having to save the world... ‎  well at least this one isnt a midget being called a peck all the time lmao.. ‎  the game looks cool... how long does it take to do all those customs? i imagine quite a while....

Actually Ultorc's story will prove that he is much more than a farmer, and that farming was simply a distraction to his true calling...

It takes a long time yes, if you start from scratch. Ive been at this for at least a year and a half now...

I had a discussion with a history professor about this very subject once. Historically, farmers are the most successful warriors- they lived a tough life so they adapted quickly to the hardships of war, and they fought for their land and home instead of for pay or some abstract hierarchy.

Rome rose to it's prime on the back of farmer warriors- and began a steady decline when they conquered Carthage/Britain and began importing waves of slaves to do work like farming for them.

During the American revolution, the British threatened the farmers of the wild American frontier that they would “march over the mountains, hang your leaders, and lay waste to your country with fire and sword.†‎ A short while later, as the British commander led a cavalry charge down on these same farmers, he was laid low by one of their turkey hunting muskets. I expect stories like that led to the tradition of the farmer 'driven to war'. . . ‎  or maybe not, who knows. Biggrin

hmm interesting.. ‎  should be a kick ass story.. im excited to play your game .. ive been missing these kings field games ... ‎  i just hope when i get to the customize part of makin mine it wont take a decade lmao .. looks great what you re doin ‎  keep up the epic work xd

Thanks for the feedback, my demo is up so feel free to try it out, dont forget to add the fix ‎  Wink

Removed the link, anyone who would sincerely like to play the demo should send me a PM.


Edited: Game link is back.

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