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  Grimoire: heralds of the winged exemplar is ready!
Posted by: duredure - 2014-10-21, 02:09 PM - Forum: Game Chat - Replies (7)

As I huge fan of wizardry 7. I'm following this game past 2 years and now is finaly about to be released.


"The Ultimate Retro Old School Computer Fantasy Roleplaying Game in Development For More Than 17 Years Is Now Approaching Completion!!!

some gameplay in youtube


His last comment: 8 days ago:

Down to 9 issues remaining to be resolved before I issue a new demo at the same time the third campaign runs. This campaign will run for one month to let anybody who wants to still get a manual and a hint guide. No physical perks inside the game will be sold in this campaign.

Been talking to GOG and Steam about digital distribution. Likely everybody who pledged will be the first people to get access to the digital copy of the game with the physical materials shipping afterwards.

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  Plans for reduced difficulty, version 2 on the way
Posted by: Verdite - 2014-10-16, 12:42 AM - Forum: Moratheia - Replies (1)

So heres what I am going to be doing in the future with my game, if you had trouble playing the first time or found it too difficult then you may be happy to know that I will be releasing an easy mode for gamers who prefer less of a challenge.

My original idea was to create a game that was rewarding in difficulty, similar to the 'souls' series. I never intended to create a game that was beaten easily, however this may prove a problem especially for newcomers to Kings Field and SoM games.

There will be one final version of Moratheia, and likely one or two patches for that version. The final version will include more maps, signposts and enemy drops.

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  2D Dark Souls - Sprites & Graphics
Posted by: JC Bailey - 2014-10-11, 02:17 AM - Forum: Souls Series - Replies (10)

I'm working on creating several resources for a possible 2D Dark Souls remake. So far, I've created a Solaire sprite, which took me 3 hours. Now I just need to animate him. Sweatdrop

I will post anything else I make here.

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  King's Field V - Indoor Set Template
Posted by: JC Bailey - 2014-10-08, 07:40 AM - Forum: King's Field V - Replies (1)

This is a custom indoor set template I recently made for King's Field V and am now making available for public use for anybody in need of a versatile and easy to modify set. This set consists of 64 total pieces and includes 3m , 6m, multi-leveled, and chasm tiles with platforms. To re-texture the set, simply add two 256x256 textures (one for the walls & ceiling and the other for floors) to your "metasequoia>textures" folder and edit the texture references in Metsequoia.

Included are the pre-converted parts as well as an example map that shows off every single map piece. Pre-made editor icons can also be found in "data>map>icon", and can be easily recolored in paint. Wink

Note: Be sure to make a backup of your "sword of moonlight>data" folder before overwriting anything.

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.rar   KFV Indoor Template.rar (Size: 567.12 KB / Downloads: 160)
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  Natural Doctrine - Hardcore rpg strategy from devs of ogre battle saga and FF
Posted by: duredure - 2014-09-25, 12:03 PM - Forum: Game Chat - Replies (5)

I found this game yesterday and discovered that the english version is going to be release next week.

They said that is totally hardcore and you go die a lot. It's was made by ex devs from ogre battle saga, FF Tactics and the director from patapon.

I read in some forums that this game is the "dark souls " of the ‎  strategy genre.


I saw some videos in utube and I liked a lot. We need more games like that. Hardcore and well made.

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  Moratheia download link (dead?)
Posted by: koexd - 2014-09-23, 09:58 PM - Forum: Moratheia - Replies (12)

Is there a reason the link is dead? Was it taken down for some reason, or is it private? can anyone provide a new link? Would love to play this tonight

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  Moratheia reviews
Posted by: Verdite - 2014-09-16, 07:18 PM - Forum: Moratheia - Replies (1)

After recieving such a positive, well written first review of Moratheia, I decided to create this thread to help new players get a better idea of the game, and I'm hoping other players will submit their reviews too.

MasterTaffer was the first player to publicly announce completion of Moratheia, and kindly submitted a review at the same time. MasterTaffer included ideas for constructive changes in future version Moratheia, which I will submit to the version development thread.

MasterTaffer's review, 09/16/14 (MDY)

Now that I've finished Moratheia, here's my review.

Simply put, I really enjoyed this game. The 2+ years worth of work Ben put into it really shows. Every area looks great, and the character and item models are all superb. This game is quite an accomplishment, as it is the only SOM game I know of that uses entirely custom resources. Just about everything from the consistent art design to the soundtrack work perfectly in conjunction to convey a unique dark fantasy atmosphere that you just don't see in many modern games anymore.

The combat is surprisingly refreshing, as you'll encounter new enemies throughout the game that often force you to change up your tactics, so you can't always rely on the usual circle strafing and hit & run tactics like in most other King's Field type games. The saerirs are a good example of this; they are extremely fast and can kill you quickly, the only way I found to deal with them is to use a fast weapon and low cost magic spell to keep them constantly stunned.

Level design is similar to King's Field 3, in that it's for the most part a linear progression of non-linear maps that occasionally intersect. It's pretty easy to figure out where to go with the exception of dark caves, which are easy to get lost in without a map. The level layout isn't perfect though, as you can often find yourself backtracking for no real reason after completing certain quests. Maps also feel quite empty once you clear out all the enemies. I think a few more respawning enemies in certain areas and maybe some wall signs & additional details would solve this problem.

I really enjoyed the story. A lot of the NPC dialogues are well done and are often hilarious, many of which are actually easily missable. It just goes to show how generic storywriting is in modern RPGs when I'm feeling more attached to a voiceless NPC telling me to "bugger off" than I ever felt to any of the bland characters in Skyrim. My only gripe is that most NPCs are gathered in towns, so it can get tedious having to run around trying to exhaust the dialogues of 15+ NPCs in a single area. It'd help the pacing of the game if they were more scattered throughout the world.

As I stated above, probably the biggest issue I have with this game is the backtracking that is required after completing certain quests. It'd be nice if there were more shortcuts and maybe a warp stone system like in King's Field 4. A select few areas also felt a bit unfinished, like I noticed there were a lot of empty houses in Scala, compared to Calethan, which had houses full of detail. It'd also be great if some of the sellable items had more purpose, like being able to trade the ore you find throughout the game to the blacksmith in Scala to get special equipment would be awesome. Lastly, there were a few immersion breaking bugs I encountered throughout my journey, though, the recent patches seem to have fixed most of the major problems.

Overall, I'd highly recommend this game to any King's Field fan. I think that, over time, it could become something truly special if Ben kept at adding new content and features in future patches, maybe some new areas too? (Here's hoping we get to visit Kranth).


My comments
16/09/14 (DMY)
I agree with most points you made for improvements in the game, however some of the suggestions would not work in the game. I tried hard to keep warping (or lazy travel) from my game, so that the player felt the accomplishment from walking to and from areas, enjoying the scenery and level design as they did so, and it also increases the chance of players finding items they previously missed, meaning they wouldnt have to tediously return to the dungeon. Respawns are do able, I actually found out that a full extra level's worth of experience would not have hurt the difficulty level.
Signs and wall etchings could be applied in moderation, as not to detract from exploration and isolationism. I appreciate the point.
Combat was something I often found unbearably slow in Kings Field, so I decided to increase it as best I could, and was a main focal point in my game. Its great to know that you enjoyed it.
NPC dialogue was something I really worked hard at, as many of my most enjoyable times in games came from NPC interaction. Your point about having 'floating' NPCs that crop up in strange places is something I would like to add more of. Certain NPCs were deliberately hidden carefully to add more secrets to Moratheia for not having secret walls in my dungeons - instead you have secret NPCs, items, abilities etc.
Scala is a bit more deserted than Calethan (in version 1.0) because I was working flat out to hit my deadline, and had to prioritise other areas of the game that needed more polish. Expect to see more Scalan culture in future versions.
I really appreciate this positive review!

Verdite / Ben

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  Anyone familiar with hosting a wiki site like wikipedia?
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2014-09-12, 06:37 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

As far as I know our wiki uses the same wiki backend as wikipedia, but recently we have had issues posting certain image files into areas of the wiki. ‎  I cannot for the life of me find a setting that would restrict file sizes etc...any gurus out there willing to help out?

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  King's field V - News
Posted by: JC Bailey - 2014-09-11, 11:05 AM - Forum: King's Field V - Replies (94)

This thread is for progress updates and any other news regarding King's Field V, and will be updated semi-daily.

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  Discovered a new version of King's Field (US) Lonbox
Posted by: HwitVlf - 2014-09-09, 10:39 PM - Forum: King's Field Series - Replies (5)

There were two different versions known for the KF(US) longbox games.

The most common version is the original release where the sword on the cover has a black hilt, and the manual has a slightly different picture where the 'light' sword has a triangular butt and the dragon has a different head.

The less common version has pink jewels on the sword hilt, and the same picture on both the manual and cover.

This newly discovered version was apparently released between the "black sword" and "Pink jewel" versions and is kind of a cross between the other two. The box is identical to the original release, but unlike the original release, the manual has the exact same art as the cover. It's phone card is identical to the later "pink jewel" version.

For people who don't know, Sony only used the longboxes for less than 1 year before switching to standard jewel cases so it's pretty amazing that King's Field went through at least 3 different print revisions in that short period. I wonder what triggered the revisions? Attached is a picture of manuals from the three different versions.

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