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  I've got a problem...
Posted by: scott - 2010-03-20, 02:20 PM - Forum: Trismegistus - Replies (21)

I stoped trying to make a game so I'm going to do what I do best: playing the games. But now I'm having a problem with Trismegistus.

I was going to put a screenshot here but I can't figure out how. ‎  Confused
I'll describe my problem then: I'M WALKING IN A ROOM OF INVISABLE FLOORS AND WALLS! I can see objects such as a tree, water the shield on the floor, ect. What do I do now? (and mabey someone could tell me how to insert a screenshot?)

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  old music
Posted by: scott - 2010-03-18, 02:00 PM - Forum: King's Field Series - Replies (10)

I was going through some other topics when I came across some music from Eternal Ring. I was wondering if anyone had the music from the KF series. I enjoy the music and thought mabey someone had it and could share with me? (and everyone else here)

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  CP data and other fun Stuff...
Posted by: Madison Lastrega - 2010-03-18, 07:20 AM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (14)

Hello all, for months I have been working with MDL files and .cp files to see how they tick and in a way discover secrets to help us make custom Baddies, and townsfolk....... Well many have tried to alter .cp files , and (included myself) tried to alter MDL files.... As we all know they break easily, making testing slow and painful, so many give up, NOT ME.... NOT EVEN CLOSE... So Todd asked me to keep my findings quiet till I had some more data, I have enough, now to maybe get thoses who could help to do so, and is fun info for newbies, so enjoy my findings......... 1 SoM being primative is a good thing, Almost every action in som is seperated, like a node based system, that being said, I know beyond a showdow of a doubt , WHAT .CP FILES ARE, and what they do..... .CP files are detailed movement and timing details for the MDL Files to work with, they also have Shadow output... the MDL file it's self has the models basic movement paterened in the hex file, simular to the CP file, but is station to the model only .... NO MODEL in SoM can move without a .CP that being said you can make anything move with clever hex editing, not too tough in fact, only problem I have is not being to isolate to shadow detail of the file YET.... 2........CP switching is a great way to to raise your creatures or NPC's speed or attack paterns, no more zombies that move faster than knights, this works on NPC's as well, just rename any OTHER .CP to match the one you want to alter(Make a back up of course duh) ‎  until you get the desired speed and pattern , have to turn shadows off though, till I find how to swap them correctly:) ‎  3....Lastly with simple .CP AND PRF hex editing you can make enemys with other enemies attacks, and npc's that turn on you and become enemies, pretty nifty stuff HUH? well over the next few I will post more pics of my work and give more details , but for now I must rest, ...... I leave you with the catapillar that moves super fast and has the tripple fire ball attack, Not mist like default:).....More to Come, Happy modeling.............ML

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Posted by: Hguols - 2010-03-17, 03:24 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (8)

I tried to switch avatars and this forum exploded into a million pieces on my computer.

I tried going back to my old avatar (which is in the 256 pixel range to still be an animated gif) and that picture is now frozen.

Todd? ‎  HALP?

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  Recommended Games!
Posted by: Verdite - 2010-03-13, 02:13 PM - Forum: Game Chat - Replies (119)

Hey guys, i thought this kind of topic woulda been started already but i cant see one. Maybe im not looking hard enough? ‎  Rainbow So i thought id start one here.

Just post your favourite games or games you would recommend. You can include all kinds of games from mmorpg to puzzle based. Anything goes!

Ill start off with a few... People probably will have heard of some. These "reviews" are all based on my opinion and dont represent any of the games officially or professionally.

Blood will tell (ps2)

A strange game based around recovering the characters true body. You get benefits for each body part and demon hunting is a vital asset in the game. You can also find lots of swords in this game, and its a game that seems to have been overlooked somewhat. It is kind of Japanese based so alot of monsters etc are based around the Japanese culture. I am not sure if there are any western characters of items in the game.

Return to Krondor (PC)

An old game which is a sequel to the equally good Betrayal at Krondor. (DOS)
You start off with a squire and build up your team up. You find important NPCs along the way of the game who often join your party. Theres alot of item hunting in this game, and alot of randomly spawned battles. The best part for me is looking for items in the city of Krondor.

Might and magic VI, VII, VIII (pc)

Might and magic VI is an old school first person rpg. You create your own team and take them adventuring in a free form rpg where you can select quests and main quests at random. (Providing you meet the people etc.)
Again, its setting is Medieval, but there are some twists in the game that i personally like. This is an amusing game with lots of item hunting, and character building.
Might and magic VII is essentially an "improvement" certainly graphics wise, you have more options in this game and the interface is much easier to handle. You also get a castle.
Might and magic VIII is probably the most advanced of all the games, but i personally prefer VI. In this game you can hunt for more items, weapons etc and have more character options.

Mount and blade (pc)

Mount and blade is a great medieval game that mixes a good deal of rts and rp. I cant say much about it other than it is a very detailed, fun game to play with lots of mods to keep you going.

Well i hope people add to the list and maybe this list has been some help to anyone bored who fancies a new challenge.


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  KFtAC questions
Posted by: scott - 2010-03-09, 07:36 PM - Forum: King's Field Series - Replies (17)

I got KFtAC a few days ago and have a simple question. (The question is simple but is the answer?)
What are bones and claws ment to do? Do they do anything at all? Will I find out what they are for?

Please, I don't want too much infomation untill I play it the second time so I just want to know if they do anything.

Just tell me about the bones and claws, nothing more.

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  For the record (SOM "billboards")
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2010-03-08, 11:33 PM - Forum: SOM Guides, FAQ and Help - Replies (6)

I was just pondering the requirements for remaking KF3.... the "billboard" trees caught my attention. A billboard is basically a flat graphic that always faces the player. KF3 (aka KFII) uses these to really pad the countryside with trees.

Well in case anyone has ever wanted a "billboard" ...I just realized SOM does indeed have this feature hidden inside of it. And how I know this is there is an item turned object (I think Tom made these by copying all the items into the object folder) which exhibits this billboard quality. It's the golden short sword, and it's probably not the only one of its kind. This used to annoy me because I needed to use it as an object, but when I did so it would always be facing the player billboard style. I suppose I did not realize it at the time, what was an annoyance, was actually pointing to an actual feature.

So I invite anyone to try this in there game. And then try to figure out what about that file seems to make it behave that way.

Btw, if no one wants billboards in their game atm / is in the mood to be the first to isolate this feature, there's a more than better chance I will figure out what's going on when I start documenting the file formats sometime here shortly.

PS: I think the sword object I mentioned only faces the player about the vertical plane. Which is probably a good thing at least in the case of trees which would otherwise appear to lay down when seen from above. I think full on billboards are probably also available, because I'd expect some magic particles to work this way. The flames in lamps may do the same.

EDITED: Is there a chance the x files or whatever you guys use to export models into Som can be exported to act this way? Maybe we already know how to do this??

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  Verdite, ever worth using? +KF3 magic...
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2010-03-08, 05:35 PM - Forum: King's Field Series - Replies (20)

I'm playing KF2 and I have a couple Verdite at this point and will probably look into selling it for what looks like 4800 each and upgrading my armor... items in KF2 also sell for relatively close to their buy price so it's almost never a bad investment to go ahead and buy the stuff.

At any rate, it seems to me at least early in a game it's way more practical to sell the stuff asap and deck yourself out. You can always just fire off your magic 50x or whatever and get an equivalent magic bonus... thoughts?

Now in KF3 (aka KFII) my brother tells me yesterday that the magic is really F'ed up. And I seem to recall as much, though I think my memories about this had mingled between KF3 and K4 over the years. As I understand it you have a separate stat for each element which a Verdite will give +1 to each, but also have a magic stat which never rises other than using an item (Wisdom Fruit??) to get a +1 bonus. Can anyone confirm / deny this / explain it in detail / the merits? In this scenario, if casting fire 50x raises fire attack, then clearly Verdite is 5x more lucrative to use instead of sell (at least)

Finally I am very aware the gameplay in KF4 was radically pussified for the North American release. I'm curious if you guys have ever been interested in playing the original as it was intended. I'm also curious if any alterations were made to gameplay in the PSOne games. KF4 is also a little unusual in the magic dept. I can't recall specifics, but in the original you find a circlet on the first map (as I recall just in a barrel behind a house) which gives you like +30 magic, which is huge... this circlet remains your primary source of magic throughout the entire game, even though by the end +30 is not as much as it was in the beginning, it's still basically an fill your accessory slot with this item and you are a wizard, otherwise your magic is really not a primary damage factor (and less so later in the game)

The logic anyway seems to be in KF3 and KF4 the player is intended to be a practiced fighter instead of a studied wizard with any natural talent.

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  The future, mascots, the holy trinity, thud...
Posted by: Holy_Diver - 2010-03-06, 02:15 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

I am planning to take a break from Sword of Moonlight Ex for my next feat, and focus on some tools that integrate with the KF Making Tool side of things (ie. so far Ex is a post-build only paradigm, and will stay that way for a while if not forever)

I've decided I'm going to build three stand-alone tools in tandem all basically related, geared toward really cracking open the custom modeling side of Som. One tool will be for models, another for pieces (map tiles), and the last for generating and manipulating the .prf asset instantiation files. I've decided the model tool will be called Somimp in honor of the Assimp project which it will rely upon in order to be able to import as many types of graphics file formats as possible. The map piece tool will be called Somcat (cat in tool names is short for concatenation) and will do basically all that Somimp does for models only for pieces, including piece synthesis as the name implies...

So we have an Imp, and a Cat, I see mascots developing here. So for the third tool I want another such name. I've three candidates thanks to looking thru Wikipedia for animal ideas (I admit Imp is not an animal, so I could probably broaden the search to unreal creatures if necessary) ...I really want help here, I'm not just grandstanding, these will be important tools and I'd like for them to be fun to talk about and work with. Anyway the three animal candidates I have in mind (please provide alternative monster names or whatever if you can think of anything with three letters) ‎  ...A) Ape, B) Ass, C) Asp (all As for some reason)

I think my favorite atm is Ape. Ape also means to mimic (probably the animals name came from this word) and .prf files basically mimic the resources they're pointed to or the .prf file they're copied from, or just general templates in general. Ape does subtract from the witchy gothic theme you get from imp/cats, I might've gone with bat, but a bat is too much like an imp. Although I do want to submit a wider mascot for Som stuff that is an apelike skeleton with a spider shield (a less appreciated hallmark of KF) and the ML Sword... basically as a mascot the skeleton would be a silent jester like character "aping" different KF tropes. Anyway if Somape becomes the name the mascot will be a skeletal ape etc. The name I have for this ape is "spider monkey" btw, named for the spider shield and being a monkey... or a very ape-like skeleton.

The next candidate is Ass. Ie. a donkey. An ass has the benefit of being more gothic than an ape (apes aren't gothic... though skeletons are) ‎  ... the pun is ass is short for asset, which is essentially what a .prf file represents. Asset is an industry term, and appropriate, so I wouldn't write ass off so quick. It does have the downside of being a little juvenile (still a far cry from assimp in possibilities, but you won't have to be aware of the assimp library to use these tools)

Lastly is Asp. An asp is a snake, so it's closest to the witchy/Halloween vibe. Though I dunno if going that far with it is really befitting of KF. It's not an overly vampish / goth series, and neither am I personally (as the principal author) ...Asp I guess being short for aspects, which is basically what the tool itself will be used for, ie. changing the aspects of assets.

Anyway this is what I ‎  plan to work on. And I want to keep it in a set of three at least for this leg of the SOM historical timeline.

Also as for the future. I'm pretty sure it's technically possible to put a Som game on the Xbox. If anyone would like to help me borrow an XNA account or kit on the sly, or would fund an XNA membership for me. I can look into this. I'm pretty sure I can at least make it technically playable on the Xbox. Whether or not we could get permission to make it downloadable on Live might be a different story. I'd think as long as a game felt like quality, and possibly if permission was granted from all parties involved (From' and possibly Agetec etc if your game is literally KF based) there is a chance. I mean I'd think it would be good press for From' and bad press if From' blocked such a thing.

Furthermore, it might be too soon to say, but chances are I'm about to win an auction for a standard definition head mounted display. I decided to pick one of these up for playing the PSOne games while I'm in the midst of reliving my youth. In which case I will probably pick Ex back up long enough to implement stereo vision (3D) ... which should be pretty easy to do, unless DX7 doesn't support it. In which case it may have to wait a little while. This is interesting of itself, but I think Som graphics are a little too hi-resolution for HMD technology. So I'd like to start talking about developing an alternative set of pieces and objects that are lower poly / more abstract, probably beginning with copying the style of KF2... I've also been in talks with Todd about eventually revamping Dark Destiny if we can get support from others... ie. make it a community initiative. Part of this will involve rebuilding the first map of DD to match KF2 as perfectly as possible, which might also present an opportunity to develop a side by side map set that looks just like KF2, which will be made easier with the Somcat tool I will develop, which should make it possible to accomplish many of KF2s overlapping map sections fairly accurately.

PS: By KF2 I mean KF (US) ... which I might as well stick in my signature Doh

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  Anyone heard from John?
Posted by: dmpdesign - 2010-03-04, 07:15 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (11)

He hasnt been on this site since January, nor on the agetec board since last december.

The last update on his personal site was the 14th.

I know he had a few projects close to completion that he had been keeping in touch with me on up to that point but I havent heard a word since the end of january.

I am just curious if anyone has talked to him, I want to be sure he is ok.

I am probably going to snail mail him something this week, to find out if something bad happened over the winter or if hes just burned out being online.

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