I made this post on another forum. I did this stuff in high school and early college. Those of you interested in my music, while its not the most enjoyable listen, it sure is neat to see how I've grown as a musician and a producer!
This was my solo project and first attempt at extreme metal creation. The name of the project is GRIM, which is an acronym for God Rules In Metal, and was active 1997-2000. The musical focus was on death metal, black metal, with instrumental acoustic guitar and piano pieces.
After a few demo tapes which got some decent zine reviews, I had a full length CD released through Laceration Productions called Scepter of Blood. The CD did well, with Cross Rhythms Music being my biggest selling location. I retain the rights to the music, which is why they're getting posted here.
Below is the link for the said album.
For those of you lucky enough to get your hands on this back in the day, you might say, "Well, I already have this. No sense in downloading it."
Here's what's different. I gave the album a professional mastering, something it never had. The sound quality is improved DRAMATICALLY. There is also a bonus song, the last GRIM song made, called "Veil of Darkness".
Granted even after the mastering, it still has a lot of production flaws, and there are times when the music isn't the tightest. The "drums" for Scepter of Blood (which were played on a keyboard) is a whole other issue....
There is some decent tunes here. It's definitely old school, the vocals slay, and it is really an enjoyable listen. (heh, especially for me, its a part of my musical history!) The tunes have been compared to old-Kekal, Crimson Thorn, Metanoia, Horde, Antestor and Param?cium. (which ironically were most of my musical influences)
The "Veil of Darkness" song (which has me on real drums) was the fodder for the music I'm doing today. *cough* click my signature below *cough* This song was featured on a Laceration Productions Compilation called "Screams of Abaddon" (the first one) released in 2000. (Thanks to Necromanicide for getting this song to me. I really appreciate it!!!)
Without further ado.... here's the download:
- GRIM -
Scepter of Blood (1999) - Mastered 2010
1 ) Remorse
2 ) What a Terrible Night to Have a Curse...
3 ) Scepter of Blood
4 ) Exaltation
5 ) Writhe
6 ) Chastisement of the Putrid
7 ) From Within
8 ) Necrosis
9 ) Nocturne
10 ) Veil of Darkness (2000 BONUS TRACK)
The URL is a direct download - no external pages, just click and save as. Including:
- All songs are 320kbs MP3s and are id3tagged.
- Lyrics (and some recording information) are included for all the songs in a .txt file
- JPG of the Scepter of Blood cover.
Thankfully the image space shouldn't be a problem for now, I upped the storage allotted for the images to 3x its current size.
I am not certain if the stored images have anything to do with the slowness, but I guess we will find out as folks load more screenshots etc.
I did a bit of forum pruning last night and tried all the maintenance features that are available to me.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have helped.
I would blame Ipower, but the rest of the main site runs just fine at all times when the forums are slow, so I dont know the answer yet to why everything is crawling on the forums.
When i get more information I will let everyone know.
I've been working on a PAUSE extension lately which is really down to just very minor details, and anyway I noticed tonight the font that is favored by Som for nearly if not everything is actually ?? ?? (Mincho) ...which I mention because I've had the impression Som preferred MS Gothic (?? ????) ...which the tools very well may, but the latest patched exe anyway is Mincho based... or at least intended to be. If you like the look of Gothic I think Windows might fall back to it if Mincho is not installed.
This PAUSE extension really touches on so many aspects of Som it's really cracked open a lot of different avenues. Todd was able to help me sort out why it is most of you (you know who you are) have probably been unsuccessful with the Ex extension addons or whatever. You can get the idea from here (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1734...nder-winxp) if you're remotely interested (the ATL security bit) but anyway rest assured it's working and coming to a game near and dear to you asap. So full circle on the subject of fonts, if you don't like Mincho or whatever anyway, thanks to the PAUSE work, choosing a different menu/default font to your liking should be very simple.
PS: I wonder why on earth / how long for Unicode (Japanese^) has not been working.
A little while ago I had an idea that objects needed sound , Ie Waterfalls, lava, riversounds ect... John came up with a brilliant idea for custom sound files (however SoM can only preload 15 FOR THE WHOLE GAME Bleah (Serious design Flaw).... And then I said "Why can't we change the sounds for an enemy an make it invisable?", and sure enough Todd was smart enough to make a reality, and he made me a cute little termite guy that was perfect for any waterfall, and believe me it will get used a bunch for me... I asked him to maybe make me a few more while he still has SoM in his blood:) and of course once again he had a great idea:) A list of like 10 or so ambiant sound effects ...... These are my top ten ... And the the first 6 I kinda need (wink Wink). Other folks whom are building thier own project in SoM should please input feedback and submitt your top ten sounds, and maybe we will get some life in ALL our games, and for anyone who have not tried it, Believe me it's very worth it, my little termite guy is perfect and fades away from left to right , just perfectly, And I am looking forward to any other ones he creates.... Props to Todd for making my little idea an awesome reality, So OTHERS please submit a list if your working on an SoM Game:) Thanks ML
(1) Lava
(2) Wind
(3) A brook sound effect like a flowing River
(4) A flame or fireplace sound
(5) Crickets for forest
(6) Crowd Noises for a tavern or castle with more than 5 occupants in one place
(7) Stable noises like a horse scuffling around,
(8) bushes or shrubs rustling
(9) Waterfall *I have it, reposting for others to see how awesome it is*
(10) water drips with echo for like a cavern or cave (very creepy)
I have a couple little projects I am working on to enhance SOM options a bit for some game builders.
The two things I am working on are ambient sound effects and breakable objects.
The first thing, ambient sound effects is something I already know I can do without much problem...so what I would like to do is compile a list of sounds people would like to see available and I will construct the 'enemy' profiles to stick in your maps to make continuous ambient sound.
I have one done already, its a wave crashing noise that works really well along shorelines and where rushing water is (such as a waterfall).
The few others I already have in mind to do are:
-trickling water, such as a fountain
-crickets and tree frogs, an ambient sound for a night time forest.
-howling wind
-lava bubbling
-gears grinding
-muffled crowd talking, such as in a public place to provide ambience for people in a bustling town
-bug screeches (similar to the sound of the termites in KF1 US)
-sword clanging (to simulate fighting nearby)
Any other thoughts please post. I will release what I make in a single download pack when I am done...they will be in the form of enemies so you will need to place them accordingly, I will also have instructions on how to do it.
Now for the second project, I think I can create some enemies that look like objects that would allow you to kill them to simulate breaking an object. If I can get this working, I will probably start with the following objects:
-breakable barrels making a cracking wood sound
-breakable boxes making a cracking wood sound
-breakable doors with the wood sound
-breakable windows glass shattering sound
-breakable vases or ceramics again with the shattering sound
-breakable statues with a crumbling stone sound
If you can think of others list those here as well, though I havent successfully finalized this yet. If I can get it working, it would be easy to trigger item drops etc from barrels based on the enemies drop loot.
My problem is the game keeps crashing at "Ebon - the demon of earth - the confrontation", the screen just after you use the earth crystal, it just says the diaduim of maunstrat is not working and closes the program, I am using windows Vista, and have the the latest game with patch v.1.4 installed.
Could someone please help and tell me a work around, for I am enjoying the game, and do not want to give up after putting all this effort into the game.
Has anyone tried SoM (game and editors) on Windows7 yet?
I doubt it will run any better than on Vista, but I hope there aren't any new incompatibilities.
I'm trying to fix map Piece models that were defective in SoM.
I remember seeing a wall Piece with steps that was too short on one side and I noticed that some of the wall Pieces had gaps between them in the Verdite castle in DD (not sure if those were custom or original Pieces though).
Does anyone know what Piece#s those are?
Any other defective Pieces?
Already fixed:
diagonal cave wall ceiling mismatch
outdoor 1M slope fall-through wall collision error.
made 499 and 636 flat
gap fix in 252 and 380